Chapter 9: The Trip, Part 2

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  Madison didn't know why Jeff was crying. Was it something I did? she thought. I have no idea.

  She looked at him again, bawling away, and felt she needed to do something. So, she hugged him. He didn't respond back and put his arms around her, but he did mumble something Madison couldn't hear. "What was that?" she asked him. 

  Jeff pulled a tissue out of his shirt pocket and cleaned his nose. He pulled himself out of the hug. "I am sorry for this scene," he apologized. "Being back here brings memories to my head I thought I've forgotten long ago."

  Madison didn't understand what he was talking about. "What do you mean?"

  "This is where Tia, my ex girlfriend, had our first date. I took her here. Now when I realize that we're not dating anymore, I become sad. I don't know why because I am totally over her. You are in my life now," stated Jeff.

  Madison just smiled at him and rubbed his left shoulder.

  Jeff picked up the wicker basket and opened it.  He removed a towel from it and laid it out on the sand.

  "That's not necessary Jeff. I am not hungry," Madison confessed.

  "Neither am I!" Jeff exclaimed.

  "Then why did you bring food?" Madison asked.

  "Thought I would be hungry. I'm not," he said. "Anyway, do you see that abandoned building over there near that cluster of trees?" He pointed toward it.

  Madison looked over and saw what Jeff was talking about. "Yeah. I see a For-Sale sign. Where are you getting at?" she asked.

  "Well, I have been saving up some money and I've decided that Artie Vikes is moving!" he exclaimed. A smiled was glued to his face.

  A confused face was what Madison had. "What are you talking about?"

  "I mean I'm going to buy the building! It's going to be great! It is big enough for customers to dine and place their orders inside! I am going to have counters and booths and I'm even going to hire some assistants! The person I bought the building from said the water can be open for people to swim in because it's clean. I could sell towels and bathing suits on the side."

  Madison was in shock. She was amazed. Better yet, she was proud of him. "Wow Jeff. Wow. I am so happy for you, but if you have all this money, how come you own that tiny place?"

  "So I can put all of my money into the new and improved Artie Vikes!" he yelled cheerfully. "WOO!!!" He ran around the building screaming. He even pulled Madison into a dance.

  Soon after Jeff and Madison were  tired, and they went home. Happy.

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