Chapter 16: Shooting, Part 1

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  It was nighttime and Madison was watching The Price Is Right, when all of a sudden a screen with a red background came on. It said: Channel 3 Breaking News.

  A reporter appeared on the screen with a big microphone up to her mouth. She had curly red hair and shining blue eyes. "Hello. This is Monica Equa reporting outside of Artie Vikes Water Ice Shop. Just minutes ago, there was a shooting here. Shop owner Jeff Goldblum was supposed to be the victim. The shooter wanted the money from the cash box, and when Mr. Goldblum refused, the owner shot fire from his gun. Luckily, Mr. Goldblum ducked, and no one was injured."

  Madison had enough. She turned off her television and ran out the door, running as fast as she could to Jeff's water ice stand. She saw yellow Caution tape surrounding the tiny building and the LED sign, which was usually shining brightly, was completely dark when she arrived there.

  Oh no, she thought, while gulping. Madison was thinking of walking to Jeff's house when she heard a noise. A very soft, but concerning noise. She cocked her head to her left. Nothing. She cocked her head to the right. There was a person standing in the parking lot.   Should I walk over to them? Or walk away? she asked herself.

  “Hello?" Madison walked slowly, being cautious, towards the person. “Are you okay?"

  “I'm doing just fine. You were too, until now," the person told her, turning around. It was a man, with a black face mask on.

  “Oh dear."

  Then the man put his hand in his jacket's pocket, and revealed a gun.

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