Chapter 13

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   "Don't let her get away!" Roxy yelled before turning on Starling.

   I quickly spun around and followed Summers out into the hallway.

   She was almost at the end when I raised my gun, sending off a few shots in her direction.

   Unfortunately, she turned the corner before they could catch her.

   With a groan I sprinted after her again.

  She made her way down the stairs into the main room as fast as she could, making a beeline for the exit.

   I followed her out into the gravel parking lot, she was a few feet from her car when I yelled. "Freeze!"

   She stopped in her tracks, but didn't turn around.

   I angrily pulled the trigger, but received an empty click.


   She laughed before jumping in her car and starting it up, quickly peeling out of the parking lot.

   I threw the gun away before sprinting to my car, I got in and started it before flying out of the parking lot after her.

   She was a little ways ahead of me but, luckily her red car wasn't hard to miss.

   She swerved around a few cars as we made our way onto the main road.

   I followed after her, pushing the pedal to the floor.

   I finally made my way behind her, tapping her back bumper with mine.

   We were approaching a four way intersection and our lanes had a red light.

   But, Summers didn't slow down. Instead, she cut the wheel, drifting sideways into the middle of the intersection, narrowly avoiding a few cars.

   "Well, here goes nothing." I said to myself as I cut the wheel to the right, sliding into the traffic flow coming from the left.

   The tail end of my car hit someone else's, causing me to temporarily lose control. Allowing Summers to speed away from me.

   "C'mon, get outta the way!" I yelled as I swerved past slower cars, attempting to catch Summers before I lost her.

   I was finally catching up to her when she cut the wheel again, this time drifting onto a side street that led deep into the woods.

   It was sloppy, but I was able to make the turn in time, still keeping up with Summers.

   I pressed the pedal harder, closing the gap between us, eventually creeping up next to her car.

   I cut the wheel, slamming into the side of Summers car. "Pull over, bitch!"

   She swerved back, hitting my car this time.

   We were locked in a duel, neither car wanting to budge. We both pushed as hard as we could.

   I finally swerved off before coming back for another hit, this time I was able to push Summers' car to the side of the road.

   I kept pushing, staring at her through the window.

   Then, out of the blue, her car slammed head on into a tree on the side of the road, causing me to lose control.

   As soon as my tires hit the grass, the car spun. I quickly ducked down as my side of the car hit a tree, sending broken glass raining down on top of me.

   I crawled out of the passenger side door with a groan. "That sucked."

   Smoke rose from Summers car, which was a few feet away.

   I slowly made my way towards her car as she crawled out, collapsing to the grass.

   She had cuts on her face and hands, her breathing was heavy, and her leg was bent at an unusual angle.

   "That looks like it hurts." I said, kneeling down next to her.

   "Fuck you!" She spat.

   I just chuckled before getting to my feet and looking around. "Well, this is a good a place as any to die I guess."

   She just laughed, eventually starting to cough, blood leaking from her mouth.

   That's when I noticed the deep cut on the side of her neck.

   I sighed. "Well, that sorta takes the fun out of it."

   I might've hated her, but watching her bleed out in the middle of the woods was cold, even for me.

   I bent down and grabbed her shoulders, lifting her up to a sitting position against the side of her car.

   She took in long, slow breaths, clutching the side of her neck.

   I sat down next to her, pulling a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and putting one between my lips.

   "Smoke?" I offered.

   She glared at me, but nodded anyway.

   I handed one to her and lit it before lighting mine.

   She took a hit, still firmly clutching the side of her neck. "You know, we're not so different."

   I blew smoke out before turning to her. "Yeah? How's that?"

   She chuckled a little. "We're both blonde, not to mention pretty badass..."

   I chuckled in return, which made her laugh.

   Then, she started coughing again. "I don't have much longer, huh?"

   I just shook my head.

   She lowered her head, a few tears forming in her eyes. "It's been fun, I look forward to seeing you again some day."

   "I wouldn't hold your breath."

   She let out a small laugh, her head sinking lower.

   After a few minutes of silence, she went limp next to me, signaling the end of this whole crazy ride.

   I got to my feet as Ames' car pulled up next to me.

   "Jesus, are you ok?" Roxy asked as she stepped out of the car.

   I just nodded before pulling her into a tight hug, then a kiss.

   Ames walked over and knelt down next to Summers, checking for a pulse. "Well, that about wraps it up."

   I walked over to him as he got to his feet. "Thanks for the help."

   He smiled and nodded. "I'm just doing my job."

   I returned his smile before sticking my hand in his direction, he shook it.

   "Uh, I hate to break this up, but the cops will be here soon and I'd rather not be here when they show up." Ned said.

   Ames handed me his car keys. "Here, you guys get out of here."

   "What about my car?" I asked.

   "I'll take care of that, just go enjoy your freedom."

   I nodded and patted his shoulder before getting into the drivers seat, Ned and Roxy getting in after me.

   "So, where to?" I asked.

   "Home, we still have a wedding to attend." Roxy said, taking my hand in hers.

   I smiled before leaning over to plant a soft kiss on her lips. "Home it is."

   I started the car and drove off down the road, ready to start our new lives, together...

The End

Long Road 2: The Revenge (GxG)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant