Chapter 7

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I sat down on the couch, Ned taking a seat in the recliner in front of me. We decided to take first watch while Audrey and Buck slept.

   I stared at Ned, still in shock that he was alive. "I still can't believe it..."

   He glanced at me. "Can't believe what?"

   "That you're here... and that you didn't bother to tell me you were still alive."

   He looked down, rubbing the back of his neck. "I wanted to, trust me. But, I figured it was best if you distanced yourself from the whole situation... me included. So you could start a new life with Audrey."

   I leaned back in the couch with a sigh. "Well, I guess I can forgive you, you were just looking out for me."

   He flashed me a grateful smile. "Thank you. I promise you'll be the first to know next time."

   I laughed a little, then it grew quiet.

   "So, how did you know about Audrey and I?"

   He shrugged. "I kept tabs on you, just in case. When I heard about the car bombing and the shooting at your house, I made my way down here as fast as I could. Luckily I ran into Buck when I did."

   I nodded. "Well, I'm happy you're here. We're gonna need all the help we can get."

   He nodded in return. "I'm here for you, Roxy, you know that."

   "I know..."

   As night slowly turned into day, Audrey came strolling into the living room. "Alright, you guys are officially off the hook." She said.

   Ned nodded before standing up and heading to bed.

   Audrey plopped down next to me. "Good morning, beautiful." She said, planting a quick kiss on my lips.

   "Morning, how'd you sleep?"

   She rested her head on my shoulder. "Pretty well, considering the circumstances."

   I ran my hand through her hair. "Are you feeing ok?"

   She shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I definitely don't miss being shot at, though."

   I let out a small laugh. "Me neither."

We grew quiet after that and eventually Buck joined us, relieving me of my duty.


After a few days of laying low, Buck and Ned headed back into town for some food and supplies, while Audrey and I stayed at the safe house.

"What's there to do around this place?" Audrey asked.

I shrugged from my spot on the couch. "Beats me."

She glanced at me, then around the empty house, before slowly making her way to me.

"Well, everyone's gone, leaving just you and me, all alone..."

A mischievous smirk lit up her face as she straddled my lap.

I returned it. "True... what'd you have in mind?"

She planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Take a guess."

I giggled but, before I could reply, the door opened, Ned and Buck strolling in.

Audrey and I quickly got to our feet. "Hey, guys." I greeted.

"Not much for knocking, huh?" Audrey added.

They laughed as they set a few bags on the table.

Then, we heard the sound of shattering glass and Buck collapsed to the floor.

Everyone dove for cover as more shots rang out.

Audrey and I took cover behind the couch.

I glanced at Ned, who sat behind the overturned kitchen table, Bucks limp frame laying on the floor next to him.

"Dammit! Is he still breathing!?" I asked over the shooting.

Ned nodded.

Slight relief washed over me.

"What do we do?" Audrey asked.

I glanced around, looking for anything that could help us.

"Shit, my gun's in the bedroom." I said.

Audrey turned towards Ned. "Cover us!"

He nodded, pulling a pistol from his belt and took a few quick breathes before standing and sending a few shots out the now broken window.

I took off for the bedroom, quickly running up the stairs as bullets buried themselves into the walls, Audrey following close behind.

"I really don't like getting shot at." Audrey said as we made our way into the bedroom and slammed the door shut.

I pulled the closet door open and pulled two assault rifles out, tossing one to Audrey.

We crept towards the windows and peeked through, trying to see where the shooting was coming from.

"Got anything?" Audrey asked.

I ran my eyes over the mountain landscape, seeing a few armed men crouched by some trees.

I stood up and pointed my rifle in their direction.

   "Get down." I said before opening fire, shattering the window.

I was able to hit one or two of them, but the rest scurried away before a few bullets flew my way, slamming into the windowsill.

I took cover, dropping the empty gun on the floor.

"Stay here, I'm gonna go check on Ned." I said.

Audrey nodded before standing up and aiming out the window, firing off a few shots as I made my way back to the closet.

I grabbed my pistol and slowly made my way down the stairs.

"You still with me, Ned?" I asked once I was at the bottom.

"Yeah, I'm still here." Came his reply.

I quickly ran from my spot and dove behind the table as more bullets tore apart the kitchen.

"There's gotta be at least fifteen of them." I said.

"I guess Summers brought back up." He replied, loading a new clip into his pistol.

As the firing outside slowed, we stood up, sending a few more shots out the windows, Audrey's firing continuing from upstairs.

   Eventually, the last bullet left our guns, meaning we were sitting ducks as they continued to shoot at us.

   But, then, the firing stopped.

   Ned and I exchanged confused glances as Buck started to stir next to us.

   I quickly leaned over and pulled him closer. "Where are you hit?"

   "The stomach." He said, clutching the wound firmly, blood spilling out through his fingers.

   I felt sadness start to overtake me. "Shit, that looks really bad."

   He chuckled a little, then coughed up blood. "I'll be fine." His breathing picking up.

   I felt a few tears start to well up in my eyes. "Just stay with me, Buck."

   His trembling hand clutched mine. "I'm fine, really."

   Then, we heard voices. "I want the girls alive, kill anyone else..."

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