Chapter 4: My likeness

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(I do not own this chapter's banner image. Got it off google because it was pretty)


         The ancient Egyptians loved games, especially board games that challenged their minds. After a long days work, it wasn't uncommon for Egyptians to sit down and dabble in a good game. They enjoyed them so much that it was often discovered that a pharaohs favorite game was buried alongside them in their tombs.

I wondered if the Pharaoh enjoyed games in that way. Something tells me he does and isn't bad at them either...The question came to mind when I saw him again, the first time in weeks, leaning against the front desk in the Gold Museum. Even though he was leaning, he still kept his posture while messing with a Rubik's cube that looked nearly complete.

I was never good at those. I never had the patience to figure them out. I would get one side mostly with one color and then after noticing that none of the other sides were close, that's when I'd move on. Though watching the Pharaoh at the bridge of completing one almost inspired me to try it again.

I came back to the Museum with Dustin and Linda. My intention here wasn't to creep on the Pharaoh this time. I actually was here to take advantage of the Ancient Egypt exhibit to assist on my assignment. Since Dustin and I agreed to help each other, he was kind enough to convince the Pharaoh to let me in for free.

Linda doesn't study archaeology, but she tagged along anyway until her shift started. Linda's major in school is English literature, which she hopes will look good on a resume for a juicy office job. I don't know if Dustin went out of his way to get her free entry as well, but I wouldn't be too surprised if he had since Linda hangs out with us for the majority of the time when she's not in class or at work. I would say that Dustin and Linda's relationship is sort of becoming a sibling bond. Since Linda has a younger brother at home, she is used to caring for him and that shows when she corrects Dustin's hair, or points out his untied shoe laces, or when she asks him if he had lunch that day. He doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact he always makes sure he thanks her for her concern. I can understand her natural worry for Dustin, especially since he's so young, but I don't feel it as much as she does because he's very grown up for his age, obviously. I just treat him as though he were my age and I think that's why he opens up to me a lot more when Linda's not in the room.

Just the other day, Dustin confided in me and told me that he and the Pharaoh share a room at home. Apparently they're more than cousins, they're also best friends. He doesn't really voice that out loud because people always get the wrong idea about them when he shares that...which I found disturbing that they'd even assume such a thing. He told me that the Pharaoh was a sort of mentor to him for years. They spent so much time together that their bond became that of like brothers and they've grown to know each other so well that it sometimes feels like they could read each other's minds. I can't say I can possibly understand that kind of connection with someone, but it was refreshing to know that it's possible...because my faith in people just wasn't that deep.

"Hey, Pharaoh!" Dustin said when we saw him at the front desk with the cube in his hand. He just finished it and waved us to go over there.

"Who is that fine piece of ass?" Linda pointed out when she saw him, "He's you, but sexy."

Dustin half frowned and scratched his head without denying it. I back handed Linda on her arm. You would think that she, of all people would be careful with her words on appearances. I suppose her attitude goes beyond that as well. Usually I wouldn't care either but Dustin is a sweet heart and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

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