Sweet Blood (Kanato/ DL)

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A/N: So... I have this serious craze for Diabolik Lovers, especially to Kanato. Really don't know why, he just appeals to me so much!!! So, why not write a story about Kanato X Reader? Hopefully this eases my obsession about him. Enjoy!

The night was dark, the moon waning up at the sky with stars twinkling as far as can be seen with the naked eye from the plenty light pollution scouring the city these days.

(Y/N) had a late night of partying at a bar and playing music with the earphones seem a better release than a drink to drown out the worries of being out so late.

But thanks to music, her mind was as uncaring as the wind and decided all she had to do was rush home.

Until she saw a bloody body.

The girl was walking through town, a cab insensible as her house was nearer and that she could walk there and save some bucks. Through an alley, she wished she took the cab there.

At the mouth of the alley, a broken body was tossed out, only neck above was at sight. But even the girl's (e/c) eyes could take in the lifeless eyes of the man and a neck wound. But what probably killed him was strangulation for she can see the marks that told all.

"Ahhh... Teddy, his blood was so bitter and I'm still thirsty," a voice spoken out from the same alley that the man himself fallen. She had taken away the earbuds at the time and was able to hear.

(Y/N) had absolutely no idea what's shaking but she knew enough to hide. There was a dumpster near the man and she decided to hide behind.

Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the alley, she saw the man, no... a boy her age, that killed this grown up man.

She could hear herself telling the police, 'I have witnessed murder, officer. The murderer had purple hair past his ears and big light purple eyes. He was as pale as a ghost and wearing a black school uniform. He was also holding a teddy bear with an eyepatch. I hope this helps.'

For that was her briefest glance of the boy. Why was he holding a teddy bear beats her but looks can be deceiving as she saw him spit out something red, (blood, she realised) in disgust. The teddy bear was also covered in blood.

"Oh, Teddy, you are covered in that bitter blood. I promised to wash it, but... I will when I find something to drink," The boy said.

Drink what? The blood spat out... Why couldn't he have gotten a smoothie or beer like a normal person?

No use sticking around. (Y/N) needed to get to the police station fast.

She was moving as silently and fast as she can but Fate was not kind enough.

A bump and clang of the dumpster perked the ears of the boy, as he spun around and eyes widen as he saw the precious girl, a delightful toy, in front of him.

Her silky (h/c) hair, lustrous (e/c) eyes, that lovely body. Will there be any lovely blood inside this precious toy?

Without knowing, the boy licked his lips and (Y/N) knew... that she was the next target for this supposed cannibal.

'Shit,' (Y/N) thought, and ran as fast as she could. Her heartbeat was beating erratically and fast. What had she gotten herself into?

"Ah..." (Y/N) screamed as her arm was caught by a hand, a cold and icy hand. She was immediately pushed to the wall with the boy bearing down at her.

"Stay still," he whispered, "Your blood will be delicious."

He was going down to the neck. Like heck he will!

With all the willpower in her heart, she kicked the boy in the groin and pushed him away, while giving herself a second head start to run.

The boy felt a flash of pain and gone, but he was angry... very angry that the prey had gotten away. They were supposed to stay still and just accept it. There was no escape from him.

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