Chapter 13

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Back in the lounge, they were all on edge. Lydia was barely keeping awake, but didn’t want medical help, saying that she would regenerate in a few hours. Marilyn knew it would have been futile to try and convince her otherwise. They had moved Ciara’s body to the spare bedroom for the time being, and were debating the best course of action to take.

Eventually, Elijah came downstairs. Zayn stood up, ready to argue again. 

“I’ve thought about what you said, Zayn,” he said. He swallowed his pride for the moment. “I can’t force you to come with me, so I’ll stay with you. You were right, and, um... I apologise.”

Zayn stared at him for a moment and then nodded his acceptance. He didn’t dwell on it. Marilyn stood from her seat next to her mother.

“Okay, now what do we do? Xenna will be back any moment and we haven’t got a plan.”

“Well, we can rule out talking to her. She’s too drunk on power to listen with a sane mind. We’ll have to fight her until she stays down,” said Elijah. “I know you two know nothing about combat, I mean neither do I, but with Marilyn’s extra strength you should be fine.” 

He looked at Zayn, worry softening his gaze.

“I don’t know if the drug in your blood might activate or not and I don't know what effect extreme stress or adrenaline would have on you, so don't rely on that possibility.”

Zayn nodded and looked back at Marilyn.

“I say we surprise her. We hide, and when she gets back we go for it,” he said. 

Elijah pulled out three black sticks that looked like epipens and handed Zayn and Marilyn one each. 

“A little something to subdue her. I’m counting on the drug to wear off a little, so hopefully this works. Use it wisely.”


Ten minutes later, Zayn and Marilyn were crouching in the shadows in the garden outside, waiting patiently for Xenna’s arrival. The night was getting colder by the minute, and Marilyn was starting to feel it.

“Thank you,” said Zayn suddenly, keeping his eyes on the driveway in front of them.

Marilyn looked at him. “For what?”

He shrugged.

“For being the only one who gets it,” he said.

She smiled.

They watched the driveway in silence for another moment. She turned to him again.

“Oh yeah, I have something else to show you,” she said, and unfurled her wings, letting her horns curl up from her forehead as well. 

His eyes widened with amazement as he marvelled at them.

“Cool,” he whispered.

The silence was shattered by the sound of flesh on pavement and grunting. They snapped their heads back to the driveway to see Xenna, still crackling with red energy, dragging a battered Noah across to the door. From where Marilyn was crouching, she could see the unhinged look in Xenna’s eyes. Shivers ran down her arms, as she passed by them.

Her gaze shifted to her father. He hadn’t faired well. Bleeding and bruised he was trying his best to break free from her grip. She willed herself to be patient.

Xenna barged into the house and mumbled something inaudible, dragging Noah in after her.

Zayn’s horns curled up from his forehead and they ran out from their hiding spot, crouching by the windows on either side of the front door. They both had a clear view of the room. 

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