He took his thecnology that allows him to control his robot and destroy it, and once done Shadow takes him by the collar of his clothes ready to finish with him, until Eggman told him that dear love is probably endangered or even dead at this moment, while Shadow was busy with the rescue of the inhabitants, Eggman sent Metal Sonic to finish with him and that he knew that Sonic was weak this last time but without telling him the reason why he was, when Shadow force the Dr. to speak a frightful explosion just behind him, Shadow realized that it was the Sonic's house who was going to be destroyed, without waiting more he abolishes the Dr and began to run at full speed towards this place, in spite of that it was already too late, his house was devouring everything by the flames, there was nothing left shadow didn't want to believe he was seeing, he got down on his knees and screamed loudly Sonic name's with tears that kept on sunk near him the orchid bouquet of cupid ignites gently until all is reduced to ashes

Back to Shadow / Dark Night P.O.V:

I wake up sunddenly with tearse falling  without stoping, i wipe my eyes but what's the point, it didn't want to sink, i feel my heart shattering again i can't stop seeing the same dream over and over again ,  i crosse my legs and put my hand on my face crying all alone  for more than minutes than i raise up and walk back to the village still wanted to cry again but when i suddenly hear music coming from the left side of the forest i keep following the music until i arrive the a weird place it was a giant tree with very long branch with many perch lantern and lianas on it, this place has the area to be inhabited there were some hole in the tree to use like window, and a cloth lying between some branch, I approach and I saw a door at the bottom of the section and some large pebble on the ground, there was also a beautiful little flower fields around the tree, there was a bicycle lying on the ground a rock perching on one of the branch a wooden picnic table at next to the tree there was even a small picine dig on the ground, it is surely where Choas lives with his family, he already told me about this place once, I must admit that it is really the one of the most beautiful place I've seen until now, I continue to follow the music to the other side of the tree, I see Mr. Nexus lying on his  white hammock with his ukulele playing this melody has his next to a small table with a glass of ice-cold juice and a small piece of pie and there was also a white hammock chair close from the table, he began to sing while closing his eyes and I remain hiding the tree listening to his song

[ i'm gonna do that everyting there is someone will sing, so you gonna imagine each character sing with thier voice, and also they didn't know about this shows just imagine that they are the one who made this song so story will be more fun to read and imagined ;-), don't worry they all  will be credit at the end of the story ]

Lising to his voice singing make my face smiling again, how did he do this? i feel happy again, i feel my heart beating fast , i feel my face warmed , i take a deep breath and walk to him without even finding the words but I go anyway.

Dark: " ummh h-hello"

Nexus: " oh hello there, i didn't  see you coming, please have a sit"

Dark: " thank! * sit on the hammock chair*"

Nexus: " you welcome * put his ukulele down on his lap* so Mr. Dark Night-"

Dark: " please call me Dark or even Night, no need to call Mr everytime we meet *smile*"

Nexus: " well....Dark, what bring you in the forest ? and how did you get here? i suppose my son is the one who told you *turn his side to face him*"

Dark: " well he tell me about that he live on tree house but it your music who drive me here, and i wanter to discover this island, it's diffrent from the other island that i went"

Nexus: " oh so you're a traveler!"

Dark: " in somehow, i work for a secuirity company, I travel from one place to another and provide security in the area "

Nexus: " so you're like a security traveler?"

Dark: " yeah! in somehow, but i'm in vacation now,.... by the way i didn't see you at restaurent today, i-i was worry *blush*"

Nexus: " *blush* n-no need to be worry, i just fell from the pick up while i was carring the creat of vegtables yesterday, I just sprained my ankle is not a big deal but you know parent exaggerates, so call a doctor and he put a little plaster for my foot * raise his leg a little and show his plaster*  the doctor tell me to stay for some days"

Dark: " oh i hope you heal soon "

Nexus: "thank!"

Sonic/ Nexus P.O.V:

After some time we've been talking a little about our life and other and eating the pie that my mom made for me, i thought that this afternoon will be boring but the arrival of Dark here has made it more pleasant, with each movement that it makes my heart starts beating again and again stronger, but why? What is my heart trying to tell me? and why him? all his questions make me turn my head, but his voice relaxes me and makes me want to be closer to him,

Dark: "this place is very quiet, so beautiful and so peaceful, also your house look like we see in the fairytales"

Nexus: " yeah it's very quite here, but not really the most beautiful, i know a other place which is way beautiful from here, more magical and more fantasy too"

Dark: " really!?, Where?"

Nexus: "it's a secret place no one now about this place only me and son, we found it accidently a year, we can trust you? you won't say to anybody, Right? "

Dark:"of course but if it's a secret palce, why do you tell me about?"

Nexus: " because after you save my son from those thugs, and after what my son tell me about you, he start to get closer to you and he also trust you, and what my son trust i trust it to, he belive on you and he's sure that you're a good person and he's not wrong at all, i can see it that you are really good person *smile and blush*"

Dark: " t-thank * blush more harder* it's not everyday that someone tell me that * turn his head a little to hide his blushing face*"

Nexus: " * chuckles and try to raise from his hammock*"

Dark: " what are you doing?"

Nexus: " i try to get up and show you this place, doens't look like?"

Dark: " what? No wait you can't, you hurt "

Nexus: "it's just a little sprain, that want Stop, plus i really to show youUU AA~"

I was close to fall on the grond until catch me and insted of falling down i fall on his chest fur again, ooh how do i always ended up like this?, i raise my head up and face him, our eyes connect and suddenly the time stopped, we didn't leave our gaze until we realized the situation, each of us turned our head on the opposite side of the other, he helped me to get up well he carried me in a bride style

Dark: " if you insist to show me this place, i would like to carry you there * smile *"

Nexus: "but I'm not heavy for you?"

Dark: " not at all besides, you have the weight of a feather if the wind would blow hard you would surely fly * wink at him*"

I feel my face heat up again so i hide my face on my hands, he chuckle a little and carry me out my house, i feel like this expression famillar to me but where did i hear it ?

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