Chapter 37 - Lend a helping hand

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It's a beautiful day outside... Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like this.... Guy's like me..... Should be lounging on the couch and not working here at the moment.

I cried out internally.

After that brief moment of regret, I went back to reality.

"Huh?"  I woke up from a short nap, and remember where I am.

"Oh yeah... Live house CiRCLE" I totally forgot I work here.

I had Otae call just to remind me that I had a shift today...

I badly wanted to just laze around though.....

I regain my senses as a costumer comes in, or should I say.... Costumers....

"Hello!" The bright and cheerful blondie shouted.

"Wait you're...." I said. And yeah, I guess I wasn't mistaken.

"Tsurumaki-san? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Drop that Anon-kun! You are to call me Kokoron~ from now on!" Kokoro said.

"Kokoro-chan is fine with me" I replied.

She dashes up to my counter and begins interrogating me.

"I'd like to book reservation for our rehearsals next week!" Kokoro said.

"Ohhh yeah... Okay, hold on a sec..." I replied.

I've recently learned that Kokoro was in a band called "Hello Happy World!" Which is a rather unique name now isn't it?

"I've booked you a reservation for next week Kokoro-chan" I said.

That brightened up her face.

"Thanks Anon! My day would be complete if you were to call me Kokoro from now on!" She smiled and told me.

I mean... I guess there's nothing wrong with it at this point? Aww why the heck not.

"See you next time, Kokoro" I said.

She widened her smile, and gave me a hug.

"Whoah now" I exclaimed.

"I can tell we're gonna be best friends!" Kokoro said and went out.

"Cheerful as ever, that Kokoro" I said to myself.

Her visit seem to have liven my spirits up.

"I can totally get through this day!" Is what I said to myself.

A few moments later... Two new costumers showed up.

This time... It's a guy and a girl. A couple I presume?

"Welcome to Live house circle! What can I help you with?" I greeted and asked them.

"I'd like to book a reservation for a band rehearsals next week" The girl said.

Uhm... Kokoro booked her reservation on a Thursday....

"The only available spot for next week is on Friday, would that be okay?" I asked.

"That would be perfect!" The girl said.

"Okay then, I shall name it under...?" I ask them.

"Pastel Palettes" The pink haired girl said.

Pastel... Palettes... Now why does that sound familiar?

"Your reservation has been booked ma'am!" I said to them.

The girl is cute I gotta admit, but the guys.... Yeah... he's been giving off a scary vibe since he entered...

That was rather eventful for me... I guess? An hour later, another employee came in and said that she'll take over, so I was able to get out early.

On my way out, I see a man that seems to be having a bit of trouble with his car. I walk up to him to see if I can help.

"Excuse me sir, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Oh yes, but it seems that my car won't start up no matter what I tried." The man said.

"Ohh I see, maybe you should call someone to fix it then?" My lousy self said.

"I called someone to tow it for me, but I'm gonna be having trouble with these groceries" the man said.

I gotta admit, 7 bags of groceries is....a lot.

"Want me to help you carry them home sir?" I volunteered.

"Would you really? Our house isn't so far from here after all, I'd love some help" the man said.

I picked up 4 bags and answered...

"Yeah, I'd be happy to help~"

And the man grabbed the other 3 bags and we went on our merry way.

On our way to his house, I wanted to lighten up the atmosphere around us.

"Do you think your car will be back soon sir? Wouldn't it inconvenience you?" I asked him. 

"They said they'll return it as soon as tomorrow" he exclaimed.

And the slightest touch of relief, hit me.

"That's good news then sir!" I exclaimed.

After that... I really didn't know what to say...

Still though... I feel comfortable around this guy. Why is that?

We then arrive at his house. I'm surprised cause....


The door opens, and out goes Moca.

"Father, let me help you with tha-" And she looked at me.

We looked into each other. Shocked. That the other is here.

"H-Hi... Moca.." I said.

"Anon? What are you doing here?" Moca asked.

"This guy helped me carry these groceries home since our car broke down a little while ago. Perhaps... You two know each other?" Mr. Aoba said and asked.

I don't even know what to say... I don't know what to say....
Did I jinx myself last time??

"Let's get these groceries in and then we talk, okay?" The father said.

We both nodded in response

I really don't know....

What are we supposed to say?

- To be continued -

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