The One Where Delta's Okay

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Douglas' POV:

I couldn't sleep at all. I kept tossing and turning and adjusting the temperature and getting water, but all I could think about was my brother and Delta, but Delta particularly. I felt like there was something I could do. Something instead of trying to sleep.

Then, it hit me. The same thing I did for Leo and Zadie when they were hurt- I gave them bionics. But with Delta's injuries, was it even possible? I got out my laptop and started working on bionics that could be specific to her.

And after multiple tries, and at four in the morning, I finally would be able to fix Delta James.

-The Wesley's-
Zadie's POV:

Last night had been a whirlwind of emotions to say the very least. I was super worried about my best friend and of course Davenport, but I was also concerned about Adam. I'm sure he won't do anything stupid, but that hasn't crossed my mind.

I woke up, took a shower, and recited the words that Krane had said to me last night. Chase had texted me before I fell asleep, asking if I was okay. Surprisingly, I was. I had felt like the tiny piece of me that had been missing since my dad's death was finally closed-I had found closure. Krane killed my dad. I killed Krane.

Oh my gosh.

I killed Krane.

-Mission Creek Hospital-
Delta's POV:

I woke up, barely remembering any of last night's events. I looked around the room only to see Douglas sitting in the chair next to me, asleep. "Douglas." I called, making sure to keep my voice down. "Douglas!" I said a bit louder. He stirred awake, looking around. "Douglas, what happened? Where is everyone else?" I calmly asked.

"Delta! You're okay." He smiled, jumping up from his chair.

"Uh, yeah. The last thing I can remember is showing up to the abandoned junkyard. How did I end up here? Is everyone else okay? Nothing happened to Adam right?" I started asking questions the more panicked I became.

"Everyone else is fine. You and Donald got hurt when you went against Krane. You hit your head pretty hard and the doctor said you might not have your full mental capability when you woke up, or you could've ended up paralyzed." He informed. I quickly began moving everything I could-so far my four main limbs were still normal. "No, you're fine. I was up all night working on..."

"Delta James? Hi, I'm Doctor Ryans. How are you feeling?" A tall, blonde, female doctor walked in, smiling.

"I feel fine." I said, surprising myself.

"That's good news. We weren't expecting you to be healed so quickly, so we're gonna run some tests and if everything looks fine, we'll discharge you by the end of the day." She smiled, jotting stuff down on a clipboard and leaving the room. I became suspicious. Healing quicker than normal?

I crossed my arms and looked to Douglas. "Douglas?" I gritted. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Uh, yeah, you're bionic now."

"What?" I quietly shouted. "I'm bionic?!"

"Yeah." He nodded, nonchalantly.

"My parents are gonna freak! I'm gonna freak! I am freaking!" I swung my legs on the side of the bed.

"I called your dad early this morning and ran my idea past him first and he was fine with it. I couldn't live knowing that you would never be the same because I left you and Davenport to fight Krane alone."

I face softened. "Thank you." I then became interested. "So, what bionic abilities do I have?" I grinned.

"We'll discuss that later. Right now, I think you need to talk to the one who's been here since last night sleeping in the MRI room. They were not happy about that." Douglas frowned, opening the door and walking out to get the one person it could be- Adam.

Curious as to what powers I now had, I stood up, put on a pair of sweats and a shirt that I found in my duffel bag (guessing my mom had packed it) and started testing out different things. "Whoosh whoosh." I paused. "Okay, no super speed." I tried to lift the bed. "Nope, not super strength." I thought for a second. "I swear if I end up like Chase, I'm gonna lose it."

"Delta!" The door flew open and my boyfriend, still dressed in his mission suit, but with one sleeve mission, ran in. He hugged me tightly, picking me up off the floor while mumbling into my hair. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried that you died and I wouldn't get to see you again or even say goodbye." He said, super fast.

"Adam, Adam, calm down. I'm okay." I soothed, touching his hand.

-The Wesley's-
Zadie's POV:

"I am so not okay." I realized, sitting cross-legged on the edge of my bed. "I killed a guy. I mean, he was one of the worst guys in the history of guys, but I killed him." I put my head in my hands and went wide-eyed. "I don't even feel bad."

"Zadie, I'm going to meet Dani and we're going to study for our math quiz on..." Alex opened my door. "Are you okay?"

"I killed a guy." My mouth was partly open and I was looking into space.

"Okay, yeah, so that sounds like a Chase problem. I'll call him and tell him you're having another mental breakdown." Alex smiled, shutting my door.

"Oh my gosh, I'm having a mental breakdown!" I realized, jumping up from my bed. I began to pace. "I had good intentions. Well...yeah, I definitely did...but also he did kill my dad. Was I just mad? Of course I was, but enough to kill? Apparently!"

There was a light knock at my door. "Zadie? Your sister called me. Are you alright?" He let himself in.

"Am I a murderer?" I looked to him.

"Z, you're not a murderer. I mean, sure you got rid of Krane, but look at what his goal was. You just helped so many people." Chase comforted.

"You know who I didn't help? Krane." I looked to him. "Know why?" Chase rolled his eyes and sighed. "Cause I killed him." I thought. "Am I'm gonna go to prison?"

"The President thanked you for what you did."

"Oh my gosh you're right. The President knows-that means federal prison."

Chase took hold of both my wrists, sat on the bed, and stared into my eyes. "Zadie, you're not a criminal and you're not going to prison. Do you understand?" I nodded slowly. "Good. You wanna go get food don't you?"

"Very much so." I smiled.

"Alright. Let's go." He took my hand, leading my out of my room.

-The Davenport's-
Delta's POV:

Instead of going home, I went to the Davenport's so that Douglas could run some more diagnostics on my new bionics. Yeah, that's right. Delta J is bionic now. What's up!

"So, Douglas, what bionics do I have?" I leaned against the cyber desk.

"Oh, right. You can do this..." Douglas walked over, beginning to yell. "My favorite color is blue!"

"Why would you tell me that? did you do that without moving your-oh. I can read minds?!" I smiled, widely.

"No, no that's not okay. She should not be able to know the stuff I'm thinking." Adam argued.

"Don't worry. It only works when the other person wants her to hear their thoughts."

"So, basically, it's a useless power except for when Adam wants to let me know that he wants to..."

"I meant for you to hear that, not say it." Adam put his hand over my mouth.

Douglas blinked with an uncomfortable look on his face. "Listen, I can give you more bionics when needed, but for now, I think we should take it slow. I mean, you did just survive a hit from Krane."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I turned to Adam. "Wanna go do what you were thinking about?"

"You read my mind." He smiled.

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