The One Where You Posted What?! (again)

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-Mission Creek High-

Third Person POV:

The fire alarm was still blaring and Douglas, Perry, and Wes became to come to. 

"Are you okay?" Perry asked Douglas, beginning to sit up along with Wes. 

"Well, I'm alive. I'm pretty sure I broke some ribs, mostly 'cause you're on top of me." Douglas groaned. 

"I'm sorry." She easily got off the ground-as Wes did also. 

"How are you two not hurt?" Douglas asked, slowly stepping up. 

"Hey, when you've been in as many bombings as I have, you get used to it." Wes said, extending a hand to Douglas who was struggling to get up. . 

"And luckily, I landed on my left side where I have a metal hip, titanium shoulder, and I couldn't even tell you what's in my skull."

"Zadie!" Wes panicked, hurriedly going over to Zadie who was lying unconsciously on the ground. "Zadie, are you alright?" He put a hand on her back and shook her lightly. Her eyes barely opened and lifted her head. "It looks like Krane fried her." 

"Help!" Leo called from behind the fallen column. 

"Dooley!" Perry shouted, as the two of them jogged over to him.

"My arm's pinned underneath the beam." Leo said, in pain. Douglas tried to lift the beam, but it didn't do any good. With broken ribs, you barely have any strength. 

Perry pushed him out of the way when he wasn't able to lift it. "I once lifted a car off a guy's leg. It was the least I could do since I ran him over." She began to try to lift the beam, but it wasn't any use. "Oh, tough to get a grip. My hands keep slipping on what I hope is red paint." 

"Here, I'll help." Wes said, walking over to them, with Zadie in his arms. 

"The firemen are here. I'll go get them." Douglas said. 

"Here, I'll help Perry with this beam. Take her out to meet them." Wes told Douglas, handing him Zadie. Wes and Perry squatted down and grabbed hold of the beam. "Alright, on the count of three. One, two three." With all their strength combined, the beam slightly lifted of the ground. "Okay, I got the beam. Quickly and carefully slide Leo out from under it. Got it?" He asked Perry. 

"Got it." Perry said, doing as Wes had instructed. 

"Ah!" Leo yelled in pain. 

"Don't look at it, Leo. It'll only make the pain worse." Wes said, gently setting the beam down without getting hurt himself.  

Soon, all of them were carried to the hospital-Zadie, Leo, and Douglas in an ambulance and Wes and Perry in Wes' car. When they were at the hospital, Wes and Perry waited outside of the curtains that Leo and Zadie were behind. 

"They said Leo and Zadie had some sort of accident. Are they okay?" Tasha asked, walking in and being escorted by an agent. 

"He's hurt pretty bad, but he's resting now." Perry informed. 

"And Zadie?" Tasha looked to Wes for answer. 

"Doctors have no idea what to do-" Wes started. 

"Don't worry. I'm making sure they take good care of our precious Leo and Zadie." Perry calmed. 

"Our precious Leo and Zadie?" Tasha asked, as Wes shook his head. 

"Yeah, we all almost died together. That bonds us." Perry reasoned. "It's like me and the guys I fought with overseas."

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