Fragments of Comfort

Start from the beginning

I'm then enveloped by Blue's giant hand, temporarily swallowed in darkness before her hand opens like a blooming flower, giving me a nice front-row view of the cool-colored goddess' happy expression.

"You found you're one true mate! I'm so proud of you, Steven!" Blue squeals, her voice reaching a higher pitch than I ever thought possible and I'm talking jumpy schoolgirl just got her crush's phone number type of squealing.

"C'mon, Blue, it's not that big of a deal" I say, thought I can't help myself from smiling, "Besides, we're not even together yet".

"Whether or not, Steven, Blue is right and we are all very happy for you. Situations like these are cause for celebration. Oh, I have a grand idea! We'll have a ball to official announce the beginning of Era 4 and you can bring her!" White suggests, sounding like she's already planned our wedding ahead of time.

"But, in case you hadn't figured out who you wanted your mate to be, I was preparing a potential list myself" Yellow admits proudly, "Top of the list was that Carnelian among the Earth Quartz', Jasper herself, and Pink's first Pearl".

"Wow. Even though I don't need it now, I really appreciate that, Yellow" I reply, being awfully thankful.

"Just doing my duty as a Diamond, think nothing of it" Yellow grins in response.

Suddenly, Blue comes to a halt, almost making me tumble off her shoulder, but I keep my distance. Steadying myself, I look ahead and see nothing but a pink wall. Wait a minute. I then look closer to the floor and sure enough, there's the door. Ha, I was looking too far up! Blue holds out her hand, which I know is my cue to jump on, and lowers me down like a slow-moving elevator. I then jump off and stand directly in front of the door itself, knowing that somewhere inside, Spinel is sitting all miserable.

"Be careful, Steven" Blue cautions, "We've tried saying many things to get her to come out, but nothing has worked thus far. I would suggest using small words because of how sensitive Spinel's become".

"Oh, yeah. Smooth and careful is what Steven Universe is all about" I grin, winking at her.

"What do you think you will do if you get inside?" White asks, bending down a tiny bit.

"I got some approaches I thought up on the way here, but I have a backup option too if none of those work" I say.

Then, I turn my gaze back to the door and decide to start out simple. I knock three times, as is customary of any way of introducing yourself. I hear no response from the other side, then do it again, in case she didn't hear me. I still get no answer, so I gotta move on to the next attempt: verbally announcing myself.

"Spinel? Are you in there?" I call out, straining to listen.

No voice replies, but I press my ear against the cold, smooth surface and listen closely, the Diamonds getting closer with anticipation written all over them. Then, suddenly, I hear a faint reply.

"Please, go away" The tiny voice speaks, it's tone laced heavily with sorrow.

"Spinel, c'mon. I just wanna talk" I say.

"I can't talk about it, Blue. Only Steven can talk with me about and he's not here! He's never coming and I'll never see him again. So forget it!" Spinel's voice answers, a bit louder with a tad more aggression to it.

I frown. Why does she think I'm Blue. My voice is nowhere near as soothing as hers. Oh well, I'll just have to set the record straight right off the get-go, no surprise or anything.

"Spinel, it's me. It's Steven. Please open the door, I can't stand to hear you in so much pain" I clear up.

There's a pause before Spinel replies back once more.

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