Chapter 2: Taehyung

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He continues to stuff his face with food, oblivious to the fact that his Mum just left. One less tantrum to deal with at least.
"Taehyung? What are we going to do today?" He asks with a mouth full of food.
"What do you want to do?"
His bunny smile that I'm growing familiar with pops up on his face.
"I want to go to the mall!"
"Okay sure! After we eat we will go." I chuckle softly while he starts to eat the food faster. He swings his feet and kicks me softly. I look down and see the white bunny slippers on his feet.
How old is this kid anyway?
"Jungkook, how old are you?"
"I am 19! What about you TaeTae?"
A pink glaze covers my cheeks.
Wait...did he say 19?!
I stare at him in shock, mouth falling agape.
"TaeTae?" He waves a hand in front of my fave, snapping my back out of my thoughts and into reality.
"I-I'm 21."
He cleans his plate them hops of the seat, causing his bunny slippers to squeak loud and urgently.
"I'm going to get changed TaeTae!" He runs up the stairs like a little kid.
He looks like a bunny.
Sounds like one too.
I wait for him downstairs when my phone vibrates in my pocket.
I pull it out and look at the text I just received from my mate, Jimin.


Hey boi wanna
come over? Got SoMe GrAsS
and GAmEs and SHiTT

                                                          Taelien:Bro r u high?And I can't. Babysitting this boi.
For 3 months.

Ish he cute?
U interesteddd?
                                                          Taelien:Yeah he's kinda cute...
wth I'm not gay u bitch

U fake ass trash can
I ssaw u chekin out that guy
Bitch I was not he had something on his fat ass.

Come OVer dis

                                                          Taelien: Fine. I'll tell the kid.
Don't smoke around him ho. 



Jungkook comes back running down the stairs in an oversized pink hoodie, blue jeans and white sneakers.
I nod in approval.
His fashions not so bad.
Then he turns around to get something.
'Mummies little Kookie'?
The print is in bold white letters on the back of his hood.
"Hey! Jungkook."
He spins around.
"Could you...change your hood?"
"What's wrong with this one? My Mummy had it made just for me!"
"Well, just put something else on please. We are going to my mates house after the mall, okay?"
He nods with a slight pout on his lips.
When he comes back down he wears a plain black hood.
"Much better." I say quietly as we gather up all the stuff we need and set out for our first trip together.
The mall.

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