He glared, "why are you here?"
She smirked, "he owed me money."
He soon felt someone on top of him. "What are you doing?!" He screamed, while struggling, looking up into the green/yellow slit eyes of Catboy.
"You're cute when you're all tied up," he smirked suggestively before leaning down and licking up his face.
Much like he did when he first encountered Robin.

Catwoman coughed in the background, smirking at her partner's antics.
"Go on ahead, I'll catch up." He assured her. She nodded before getting her lasso out and swinging away.
He looks back down at Red Arrow, before leaning down and capturing their lips together.

Red Arrow protested violently, but eventually calmed down, letting the obvious younger boy kiss him. When Catboy finally pulled away Red was out of breath. Once he caught his breath he noticed Catboy glaring at him, he instantly glared back.
"Why were you trying to take these," he said with venom, holding up the needles full of heroin.

"For investigation," he said without missing a beat.
Catboy gave him a disappointed look, before looking at his arms.
He wished he didn't go sleeveless now.
"Speedy," he whispered, tracing the marks on his arm.
"Red Arrow," he said out of habit.

Catboy glared, "you shouldn't be doing this to yourself. Don't you heroes have some sort of policy?"
"Says the thief," he retorted back.
Catboy sighed above him before leaning down and pecking Red on the cheek.
"You don't have to do this to yourself Roy." He whispered in his ear.
"How.. How do you know my name?" He whispered back.

He leans up with wide eyes, before standing up and jumping into the rafters out of sight.
Roy glared at where he disappeared to, but soon looked down at his tunic, which was oddly soaked in blood.
Not his blood he concluded, before he smiled to himself.

*Time Skip*

Wally was sitting in his room at the cave. It's been a couple of days since the Roy incident.
He was still processing it all.
His side has healed from being shot, but it was still a bit sore.
*knock knock knock* "dude come on! We have training and Roy said he was here to join!"

Wally jumped in shock and fright, "w-what!?"
"Yea! Come on dude!" Yelled Robin, before Wally heard his footsteps in the distance.
He slowly got up and stretched, before running to the training room.
Once there he saw everyone lined up in front of Black Canary and Red Arrow. He looked over and smiled at him, but looked down when he noticed the glare Roy was pointing at him.

Black Canary soon started, "Today, we will be doing hand-to-hand combat without powers. And I know we don't do this exercise as much, but recently the Justice League lost their powers. Batman thought it'd be a good idea to teach you how to survive in case that type of situation ever happened again. That's why Me, Roy, Artemis, and Robin will be teaching you. Batman would've been here, but he seems to be to busy."

Both Artemis and Robin seemed shocked that they'll teach, but soon had smirks on their face. Both of those smirks were aimed at him.
How fun.
"Now!" Yelled BC, "let's begin!"

*Time Skip*

"You all did really good with today's exercise!" Spoke BC with pride, "now I want you each to face off with me, Roy, Artemis, or Robin."
"I choose Kid Flash," Roy spoke up.
"What?!" He squeaked out.
"You heard me," he said with a glare before smirking. "We'll go last."
"Hmm, ok.." BC said with uncertainty, "I will take Miss Martian, Robin will take Superboy, and Artemis will take Aqualad. Miss M. we're up first."

One by one everyone went, soon it was Wally's and Roy's turn.
They got in position, "ready! Be-"
"Wait!" Yelled Roy with a smile on his face.
"Why is he smiling?" Questioned Artemis from behind him, Wally wondering the same thing.
He gulped, while Roy oh so slowly took off his shirt.

Wally felt his face heat up, while he heard Artemis in the background say, "mmm, that boy." And Wally couldn't help but agree.
"Now we can begin," spoke Roy.
"Ready! Begin!" Before Wally could react Roy was throwing punches and kicks almost speedster like.
To bad he couldn't use his speed because of this stupid power dampener bracelet.

Wally was dodging left and right, before back flipping away to gain his breath back. Roy looked on with a glare, before smirking.
Wally couldn't help but find that smirk very attractive.
Wally finally went on the offense, Roy backing up and dodging.
He finally swung with his right fist, but Roy dodged and hit his right side. Wally fell and doubled over. Just cause their was no wound anymore doesn't mean it still didn't hurt.

"You ok Walls?" Roy asked, reaching his hand out. Wally took it gratefully, yanking himself up.
Wally went to let go, but Roy wouldn't. He looked up in shock, then noticed how close they were.
Wally's face went red, before his eyes, unwillingly, traveled down.
He couldn't help but lick his lips, noticing the sweat rolling down to a very private place.

"Walls," Roy mumbled, a smirk still on his face.
"Hmm," he hummed back, unable to look away.
"You can stop staring and let go," Roy laughed.
Wally looked up and let go like he was burned.

He looked over at the team, most of them were gone, all but Artemis and Robin.
Robin had a glare and calculating look, while Artemis wore a smirk.
Wally walked over to her and shoved her a bit.
"Shut up," he mumbled while walking away. In the distance he could hear Artemis laughing, but not far behind him he heard Roy catching up.

He made it to his room, Roy stopping right behind him.
"Why are you following me?" He questioned in the silence.
He heard Roy sigh before he spoke up, "I don't think you'll want anyone to hear this."
Wally tensed up while opening his door and walking in, Roy not far behind him, before shutting the door.

"Soo," he started, Roy laughed at his awkwardness.
"When were you going to tell me you were gay?" He said, breaking the silence.
"W-what?! I'm not! I-I'm not!" Wally stuttered in fear.
"Really... Cause that kiss we shared a couple days ago said otherwise." Roy stated, crossing his arms and giving him an unimpressed look.

Wally stared with wide eyes before calming down.
"Roy," he laughed, "we didn't kiss. Must of been a dream, but I am really flattered dude."
"Your lying has gotten better, but I guess I could understand that with being a villain and all."
Wally choked, "villain? Dude, you must have had a messed up dream. I'm no-"
"Yes, you are!" Roy yelled losing his cool, pushing him up against the dresser.
"Wha-what?" He stuttered, but before he could say anymore Roy kissed him.
Wally squeaked a bit, before kissing back almost instantly.

It felt like hours they've been kissing, but was only a few seconds. When they finally pulled away Wally was out of breath.
Roy chuckled, "yep, definitely Catboy."
"I don't..." Wally started.
"What?" Smirked Roy, "You kiss like him.."
"Roy, I highly doubt-"
"I also took a DNA test Walls," he interrupted.

Wally froze, fear in his eyes, before looking down in shame.
"Why Wally?" Roy whispered through the silence.
"I'm sorry," he choked out, before clinging onto Roy and sobbing.
"It's ok. It's ok Wally." He pulled away to look him in the eyes, "please talk to me. What happened? Is Catwoman blackmailing you?"
"N-no! She's not," he stuttered, wiping his eyes.
"Then what?" He asked.
And for the past hour Wally explained everything to Roy.

*Time Skip*

Both Wally and Roy finally left Wally's room, heading to the zeta beam. Roy promised to help Wally as much as he can and Wally thanking him over and over.
Wally also explained about his sexuality and his crush on Robin.
Roy laughed and said Ollie was so close to owing him 20 bucks.
Wally was offended.
Wally also promised to help Roy with his problems.
He was very grateful.

They made it to the zeta, but before Roy walked out Wally stopped him.
"If you did a DNA test why did you kiss me?" He asked smiling a bit shyly.
"To prove a point," Roy said without missing a beat.
"No! You just wanted to kiss me!" He yelled out while laughing.
"Ok! You got me!" Roy laughed back, "but seriously, if the whole Robin thing doesn't work out. *wink* you could always call me."
Wally blushed a bright red, "I'll-I'll keep that in mind."
Roy laughed again, before walking out.
Wally turned around with a smile on his face. Stopping when he spotted Robin behind him with wide eyes.
"Y-you're gay?" He stuttered.

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