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^^ Golem ^^

Everyone had had some sort of dream, it seemed. None of us talked about it, but everyone looked pensive, thinking deeply about something. Everyone except Clark, who was missing.

"Has anyone seen Clark?" I asked, checking every room in case he'd left the lounge (where we'd all slept huddled together around the crank generator,) for some privacy.

"He said he'd be on watch tonight, before we slept... I think he's in the caboose?" Sam hummed, looking out the window at the Third Sunrise since we'd come here.

"He'd have frozen to death, given that we were hiding from a blizzard he warned us about, so I hope you're joking?" I frowned, and when they shrugged, I stepped outside, closing the door quickly to keep the warmth inside as the howling winds continued. There wasn't much snow, thankfully, so it wasn't a difficult walk up the mountain, if you kept low. Being 6 foot 8, keeping low was difficult for me.

I saw a small fire, as I finally crested the mountain, and relaxed a bit when I saw him in the caboose, sitting next to Luna and warming himself to a fire. I knocked on the door, and grinned. "Am I interrupting something, lovebirds? Was worried you'd frozen to death up here!"

Luna frowned at me disapprovingly, but waved me in, shielding her eyes when the door cracked open slightly. I closed it quickly, and sat across from them around the little fire. "Good morning, Theodora... you look... happy?" She raised an ivory eyebrow at me curiously.

"Is there a question in there somewhere?" I retorted, grinning.

"Yes, why are you happy?" She didn't take the bait, instead calmly asking me the question, verbally this time.

"Well, I've got a project, and that's always nice, and I've also just been given a Commission to build a very nice statue! Hey, do you know what 'Golem Magic' is? Also, what can you tell me about Yeera, the Goddess of Death and Art?" I wasn't very skilled at Duplicity, and I didn't often bother trying.

She blinked a few times, and then hummed. "Two members of your party visited by god's... in one night. Impressive."

"Actually, Yeera said because we were all Artists, she was speaking to and blessing all of us, except Clark, who Dream was speaking to because he's a Healer, not an Artist. Now, what's her deal? She's the Twin of your god, the Dreamer, so she's not Evil or anything, yeah? I didn't sell my soul or anything... right?" I grinned awkwardly at her intense, soul-piercing gaze, and she slowly blinked, once, twice, and then shook herself like she was waking up.

"Sorry, I was a bit... alright, Yeera does bless Artists, yes, and no, she's not Evil. You didn't Sell your Soul. But for her to bless all of you, that would mean Dream has to bless just as many people... that's the Law of Balance, amongst the Gods." She smiled, seemingly happy about that portion.

"Okay, my turn; Why are you happy about that?" I asked slowly.

"There are Eight new Healers in this country, why wouldn't I be happy?!?" She giggled, leaning back against the wall and chuckling to herself.

"Are Healers very rare?" I asked, now even more curious.

She blinked, staring at me in shock, then chuckled again softly. "I'm sorry, I forget you're new to this world... there are only 24 Blessed Healers and 24 Blessed Artists on this Continent, at any given time... with an addition of eight, that's 32, which means that there's going to be Eight more Blessed Politicians and Eight more Blessed Generals; it will be either an Age of Peace, or an Age of War. We'll have to wait and see, I suppose."

"Or Eight of your Artists and One Healer just died, and we took the empty seats at the table... if your Gods are all about Balance, wouldn't that be more likely than them restructuring their little thing to fit us?" I proposed the alternative, and shrugged when Clark glared at me thunderously for the rude, careless comment. "What? Someone has to assume the worst."

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