Unwanted Visitor

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Roman's POV

I'm glad Remus and Virgil agreed to try and be friends, I hope it goes well, since Virgil is now apart of my family to me, I also hope Dolion leaves Virgil alone, he's gone through enough

Virgil: "Remus is disturbing"
Me: "You'll get used to it"
Virgil: "Really?"
Me: "You'll learn to ignore it?"

He nodded and sat next to me and we watched Heathers. Virgil's head fell on my shoulder so I assumed he was asleep, I carried to his room and put him to bed, he needs some sleep I know that he doesn't get enough. I felt my phone go off

Remus: Dolion isn't going to leave Virge alone
Me: Why
Remus: Idk

I'm going to kill Dolion if he goes anywhere near Virgil, he did nothing to Dolion he literally didn't say anything and he gets beaten up, how is that fair

Patton: "You don't look to happy"
Me: "I'm not"
Logan: "How come?"
Me: "Dolion isn't going to leave Virgil alone and I don't know what to do"
Patton: "Try and speak to Dolion"
Me: "Like he'd listen, Remus already tried"
Logan: "Keep trying?"
Me: "You think he'd listen? He'd lie and then go punch Virgil"

I don't want Virgil to get hurt, if Dolion hurts Virgil I will kill him, I can't let anyone hurt Virgil, I love him

Virgil's POV

Me and Remus have been trying to get to know each other, he's actually alright, a bit demented but alright, he said he'll try and keep Dolion away but he's not sure if he can. I hope Dolion will just stop himself

Remus: "He might get bored since you're talking"
Me: "Or I might make it worse by talking, make him find other reasons to bully me"
Remus: "Maybe, maybe not"
Me: "I think he would, there are many reasons to hate me"
Remus: "There's actually not, I wish I realised that at the start"
Me: "I don't believe you"

As we were talking Roman came up to us

Roman: "How's it going guys"
Remus: "It's alright, Virgil's cool I should've been his friend ages ago"
Me: "I'm not cool, I'm the opposite isn't it obvious"
Roman: "Sorry what was that, apparently I can't hear lies"
Remus: "I got to go Dolion is asking where I am"

Remus left and me and Roman went back to our dorm, there was a notice, the head teacher puts them on everyone's doors to make announcements, like assemblies or trips

Roman: "Oh it's parents evening in a few days I can't wait"
Me: "Oh, um where do people like me go on that day"
Roman: "Umm, I think you can stay in the dorm"
Me: "Hopefully"

Obviously no one comes to parents evening for me, which is fine I'd prefer not sitting by someone in silence while they talk about my behaviour in school

Next day (Wednesday)

Mr Picani said he wanted to talk to me at lunch, I think about parents evening, I don't know why it's be about parents evening but it might be. I arrived at his office, I hesitated with knocking but I obviously knocked

Picani: "Good morning Virgil"
Me: "Good morning"
Picani: "So this is about parents evening, do you know if anyone is coming?"
Me: "As far as I know no"
Picani: "Okay, would you be able to guide parents to the hall to meet the teachers"

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