Un Mute

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Song mentioned is at the top

Virgil's POV(Saturday)

It's Saturday and the others are out and I'm in the dorm alone, I play some music as I make some cookies, since I was alone I start singing to the song

Of the things that I've done wrong
You were the worst of all
Sometimes I still bleed
You were the worst of all
Of the things that I've done wrong
I bleed babe
I bleed babe

I've always loved this song, I don't know why, it's just so calm

Still sleeping with the light on
I'm going insane
Still sleeping with the light on
I'm killing my brain
Still sleeping with the light on
I'm going insane

It calms me down, I listen to it while I'm having one of my anxiety attacks

I'm going insane
I'm going insane

I do feel like I'm going insane sometimes, I'm mute to everyone but alone I'm a normal person

Roman's POV

I decided to go back to the dorm early. I heard an amazing voice in our corridor as I got closer... It's coming from my dorm? I walk in and see... Virgil, but he's singing, his voice is amazing

Virgil's POV

Of the things that I've done wrong
You were the worst of all
Sometimes I still bleed
You were the worst of all
Of the thi-

I turn and I'm faced with Roman stood by the front door, How long has he been stood there!?

Me: "I uh h-how lon-"
Roman: "Like ten seconds"
Me: "Don't tell Patton or Logan"
Roman: "I will keep it to myself if you speak to me more?"
Me: "F-Fine"

I actually don't feel scared when talking to Roman

Roman: "You're an amazing singer by the way"
Me: "T-Thanks..."
Roman: "You're voice is so soft"
Me: "I uh"


Me: "Want a cookie"

I pulled out the tray of the cookies I was making

Roman: "You bake to, what can't you do"
Me: "Socialise"
Roman: "True"

I laugh. I've never laughed before I met Roman, how did he do it

Roman: "These are so good"
Me: "Well at home I had to do everything myself so..."
Roman: "What about your mum or dad"

The mum that left me because my dad is abusive, not really parents

Me: "W-Work"
Roman: "That's a lie, I can tell by your voice"
Me: "You can't tell anyone if I do tell you"
Roman: "You've got a lot for me to keep to myself, don't worry I will"
Me: "My mum left me with my dad"
Roman: "Why did she do that"
Me: "Because he's abusive"
Roman: "O-Oh, d-did he hurt you?"
Me: "Yeah, he blamed my mum leaving on me"

I remember the scar on my side from when my dad stabbed me when he was drunk, I ran to my auntie who lived across the road and she sent me to the hospital. Thinking of it made me hold my side

Roman: "Why are you holding your side"
Me: "It's uh, oh you can already tell if I lie"

I showed him

Roman: "What happened"
Me: "My dad got drunk and stabbed me, luckily my auntie lived across the road"
Roman: "Can I ask, What made you become mute?"
Me: "After my dad stabbed me I lived with auntie but my dad still visited to hurt me, so she sent me to a foster care, dad still showed up, that's when I became mute I thought if I didn't speak he wouldn't hurt me as much, he didn't change so my auntie sent me here"
Roman: "I'm so sorry that happened to you"

He pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but cry

Roman's POV

I can't believe this stuff happened to him he didn't deserve any of it, and Dolion and Remus are beating him up, I'll make sure no one hurts him ever again, shit I think I might have a crush

Virgil: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of told you"
Me: "I'm glad you told me, I'll make sure Remus and Dolion leave you alone"
Virgil: "Why, don't I deserve it, I'm the one who's petrified to speak, I'm the one who-"
Me: "Stop lying you don't deserve this"

I stared into the eyes of the broken boy and my heart ached for him, his cheeks were stained with tears and his eyes were glossy and you could see how sad he was

Virgil: "I-I don't"
Me: "No"

Virgil's POV

Does he actually care, maybe I was wrong, maybe some people do care. Logan and Patton came home so me and Roman acted like usual

Patton: "Hey kiddos"
Logan: "They aren't you're kids Pat"
Patton: "Yes they're they're my sons, I'm the father and you're the mother"

I laughed at that and they both looked at me

Roman: "Woah, he laughed"

I rolled my eyes at that

Logan: "Why am I the mother"
Roman: "I can actually see you being the mum in the relationship"
Patton: "See our son agrees"

Patton looked at me and I nodded and smiled, for once I'm actually happy

Logan: "You've got Virgil to laugh and smile, and he still agrees"
Roman: "That's because you are the mother"
Logan: "Shut up prince"
Patton: "That's mean"

These idiots. I go to my room with some of my cookies

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