A Fearsome Revelation

Start from the beginning

The mask fell off to show that his eyes were now red and his skin was sunken, his canines now fangs. Roman began to drink Cinder's blood through his fingers, a smirk on his face as he began to look young.

Roman: I'm so thirsty, but... no, i won't take all of your blood. You will work for me, if not-

Emerald shot at Roman, his back jolting before he pulled his fingers out Cinder's neck making her fall to her knees as she panted. Turning he looked to the thief as it seemed the bullets she fired did nothing.

His skin was now youthful, looking as if he was only 21. Emerald's hands shook but she fired again, Roman catching the bullet before he smirked. Flicking it back at her it broke her aura from the force.

She held her wound, stumbling back before falling on her knees as blood leaked from her shoulder. Slowly Roman looked to Neo who was frozen in shock, simply smiling at her before turning to Cinder.

Roman: This mask, it made me like this... Well then, new plan. You work for me now, tell me what your boss wanted with it, or i'll finish the job

Cinder: I-I don't know, but it must've been because of what it could do

Roman: I can understand, i mean just look at me! Just comply, and we'll be business partners for a long time


Y/N: You can teach it to me too? Not to be rude, but you look a bit too old to be a teacher

Looking to the spectral man he saw Joesph Joestar, one of his ancestors. Said man chuckled lightly, adjusting his hat as he looked relatively healthy and well built for his age.

Joesph: I was taught by the best, her name was Lisa Lisa, and she was harsh. But i can teach your more then Jonathan was able to

Y/N: Really? Well, he taught me the basics so... i guess it wouldn't hurt to learn more

Joesph: That's the spirit, plus i teach you about how to control your own stand

This made the teen look to him in surprise as Hermit Purple appeared around Joesph's right hand with a spark of Hamon. Looking down to his own hands Y/N took a moment before turning his gaze back up, nodding.

Before he could say anything else Coco walked into the room so Joesph disappeared, Y/N trying to look relaxed although he was excited for what he could be taught.

Coco: Quick favour, i need you to help fetch something from the store room

Y/N: Oh, uh, sure

Standing up he followed her out their dorm, going through the halls as she wore a hidden smirk. Y/N wondered what she wanted that required two people but didn't try and think about it too much.

*Flashback start*

Coco: Wanna help me fix Y/N's and Velvet's problems?

Yatsuhashi: Sure

Coco: Sweet

*Flashback end*

Instead he looked to one of his hands as he made Hamon crackle around it. The idea of being able to have mastery, or a greater understanding, of Hamon sounded both great yet exhausting.

They reached the store room, Coco stepping inside so Y/N followed. It was dark so he searched for a light as Coco secretly stepped out while Yatsuhashi and Velvet walked through the halls.

Coco quickly pushed her inside before closing the door behind them, locking it as the two turned towards the door in surprise while their leader leaned against the door while a smirk and Yatsuhashi walked away

Coco: Until you two sort out your problems, i'm not opening this door

Y/N: "You two?" Wait, Velvet's in here?

Velvet:... Y-Yeah

Y/N went over to the door as a small bit of light came from under it, trying to force it open however it wouldn't budge. Coco left, thinking they'd sort it out as the teen could hear Velvet whimper slightly.

Y/N: Coco, open this-! W-Wait, what's wrong?

Velvet: It's the d-dark, i hate it...

They began searching around for a light switch but didn't find anything, Velvet shook in fear before Y/N thought up of something and focused his breathing for a moment.

Hamon crackled around his hands, creating a light which the Faunas flocked towards. Using it Y/N managed to find a string which he pulled, the dim light hanging from the ceiling turning on.

His Hamon faded, seeing there were a few spare things for beds like duvets and pillows so the two grabbed them and placed them on the floor, Y/N going over to the door and mumbling something to himself.

As Velvet sat down neat the centre of the room, Y/N's hand turned to string as his eyes glowed with a blue gleam. The string snuck under the door and to the door handle but he was unable to turn it.

Y/N: Damnit...

He sighed softly, his eyes going back to normal before he sat down on his duvet. Velvet brought her knees but to her chest as the teen leaned against the wall, thinking of a way to get out.

Velvet: ...I'm sorry

Y/N: Sorry? What are you sorry for?

Velvet: For getting us into this mess

Y/N: No, it's fine. They tricked both of us after all

Velvet: Th-That's not what i ment

He glanced to her, confused, as the dim light shined above Velvet causing it to light up parts of her while others were shaded by the dark. She wrapped her arms around her knees and didn't look up.

Velvet: I took Dio's words for the truth... i didn't want to believe them, b-but thinking you hated me, i couldn't bare it

She hung her head but flinched a few moments later, looking up she saw that Y/N had got up and sat beside her before placing his hand on her shoulder, offering the faunas a smile.

Y/N: Listen to me, Velvet. No matter what, i will never hate you, and you'll always be my fri-

Before he could say anything else Velvet suddenly kissed him! Her cheeks were red, Y/N's eyes widened in shock for a moment although he didn't pull away, instead letting it linger as he leaned into it.

(Lemme know what you think)

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