Part 12

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"HEY what if you'll be the one who will confess to her."

"Lauren again?"

"Chanch listen will you? It's obvious that Lauren has a thing for you."

"Looks like you forgot those women frequently visit Lauren?"

"I didn't forget it okay it just that because I know you're more gorgeous than them," and she spotted Lauren with Mani and she got smile.

"I'm not her type," and Dinah switch their place.

"Believe me Chanch," and she spin her.

"You're too positive Cheechee," and she ended on Lauren's arms that make her confuse, "Lauren?"

"Yep it's me."

"Where is Dinah?"

"In her wife," Lauren simply answered, then she moved her hands down to Camila's waist pulling her closer, she really wanted to do this for a long time, holding Camila in her arms and she inhaled in her scent and she let out a happy sigh, she was so perfect in her arms.

"Damn you," she just said when she saw Dinah with her wife.

"What did I do?"

"You've embarrassed me in front of them."

"Nope it isn't and it's the truth, I already explained remember?"

"But you still do."

"Just shut up and savour this moment will you."

"What do you think I'm doing huh?"

"Good," and she look for some escape and when she found one, she got smile, she still want to last it longer but she must do the right thing first, "come on we have to leave," and she let go off her and held her hand.

"But the party has just started."

"I got DJ covered and this is important," and she pull her out of the dance floor.

And Camila let Lauren pulled her, who knows where they're going and they left the venue, in JGT.

They were both fell in silence while taking the road while Lauren kept showing her smile. And Camila shook her head seeing Lauren like this, but still she smiled.

After a long minute drive they finally reach their destination.

CAMILA found out that they were on a beach and in a distance was a beach resort with one house in it. (A/N: I will let you imagine it) Lauren pulled her on the big rock and they seated there, in front of them was the house.

"Is this a beach resort? Why are we here?"

"Woah, woah slowly okay, we have so much time, the night is long."

"Yeah and you will make sure that this is important as per what you've said."

"Of course, Camz no worries okay?"

"Well then, answer now my questions."

And Lauren sighed, "okay the answer to your first question is, you're right we're on a beach resort, a private one."

"Private?!" and she stood, "we must not be here," and she started to pull Lauren before the owner saw them and file a case of trespassing but Lauren didn't budge instead she hold Camila's hand.

"Will you please relax just for tonight? I told you I will not mess up, trust me okay?" and she gently pulled her.

"I really wanted to but this is a private resort."

"It was mine!"

And Camila stopped, "yours?" and she seated again on the rock beside Lauren.

"Yes, mine, don't you get it? Do you think the guard will let us in? Hell no! I want us to talk in private that's why I bring you here, I don't want anyone disturb us."

And Camila felt relax, "okay, so next question before I freeze to death."

"Well sorry Camz but we will take longer here tonight," and she took off her blazer and place it around Camila, "feel better? I want you to be comfortable."

"Yes, thank you."

"Do you like this place?"

"Yeah it's cozy and very private and I can't tell enough since it was dark."

"It's okay we can see it in the morning, but did you see the house over there?"

And Camila blink her eyes a few times when she heard that they will see it in the morning because it means that they will spend the night here, but then she look at the house which was in the distance.

And Camila blink her eyes a few times when she heard that they will see it in the morning because it means that they will spend the night here, but then she look at the house which was in the distance

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"Yeah I see it, what about it?"

"That will be my house, with my family in it of course."

"Really," and she look down, her heart is aching because Lauren is thinking of a family and she is not included, deep in her heart she hope that it was her, Lauren's wife, the mother of Lauren's kids but she's not, "did you already propose, because you're dreaming of a family."

'I hope she was jealous,' "soon I will do it."

"What do you want me to do?" she still asked even though she was hurting.

"Big, wide, I like how you manage and help organize the event I want you too to organized my wedding."

"Okay, I'll do it uhm—does it include your house..?"

"Hopefully yes," 'even though she was hurt she still said yes, oh Camz notice my love for you.'

"Okay, can I see the house, so I know what to do?"

And Lauren smiled, this time the jealousy in Camila was evident to her face, "sure," and she stood, "come on."

And Camila close her eyes tight for a second biting her lower lip, getting strength to no one and she must act naturally and starting tomorrow she will try to forget Lauren, then she stood following Lauren to the house. Lauren handed her hand out to Camila and Camila took it. And they were hand in hand walking up to the house.

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