Part 2

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"HEY Lauser," Dinah called to the raven-haired woman, standing, waiting patiently outside the conference room, her arms was crossed in its chest.

"Can't stop calling me that huh DJ?" and she notice the shy woman behind Dinah, she remember her and she got smile.

"Nah just accept the fact, oh," and she pull Camila and hold her still beside her.

"Is she the one you need to get back in?"

"Yeah she is, the important one," and she cleared her throat getting Camila's attention and Lauren, "Laur, meet Karla Camila Cabello, your father's loyal secretary turns to be your secretary, she's a dork but a professional one," and turn to Camila which seems getting the composure and she get smile, "Camila, meet tito Michael's only daughter, Lauren Michelle Jauregui, you new boss."

"Good morning miss Lauren," Camila greeted.

"Good morning Camila," and she extended her hand to hers, Camila seemed too hesitant at first but in the end accepted her offered hand, "I heard a lot from you from my father, a good one, nice to finally meet you."

"Me too Ms. Lauren," Camila answered.

"The introduction is over," and she turn to Lauren and she saw her gaze still on Camila with amusement in those emerald eyes, "Laur, Camila here will help you everything you wants to know about JGT and everything you need, just asked her nicely, she knows everything about your father's work."

"Sure," Lauren answered without taking her gaze to Camila.

And Dinah bite her lips, keeping her wide grin, because she was having a nice romance show and once again cleared her throat to get the attention of the two which finally let go of each other's hand and she knows both women are blushing, "okay Laur, go take your time roam around the company and Camila will be glad and happy to stroll you and accompany you around and getting JGT to know more, especially your higher staff, leave it to Camila."

"Sure, thanks DJ."

"No need Lauser, I need to go back to my work, take your time okay?"

"I will DJ."


"I will Ms. Dinah."

And Dinah squeeze Lauren's hand and whisper, "take care of your secretary and she will take care of you, trust me and keep your hands off her if you're not sure, she looks my little sister and I know you enough Lauser, remember that if you don't want to taste my Polybeat down, okay?"

And Lauren smiled, she knows what DJ meant and she will not risk anything, "I will DJ, no worries."

"Okay I leave now," and she left, "see you around Mila."

And Camila smiled, 'be professional,' and she took a deep breath and regain her composure, she's at work and she will act one, "Ms. Lauren?" and Lauren look at her, "let's go? One day is not enough to stroll around JGT."

And Lauren smiled because it was evident to Camila's professionalism and she like that kind of woman, leave personal life to business life, "okay Ms. Cabello, lead the way."

"This way Miss," and she took a step getting to their first destination of JGT.

Lauren still smiling silently following Camila but couldn't stop herself from checking her secretary out, 'she really had a nice figure, damn she's gorgeous too,' and she remember her promise to Dinah and she sighed, 'this will be a long journey.'

LAUREN can't help for not glancing sometimes to Camila she couldn't take her eyes off of her she found her gorgeous, sexy, beautiful and attractive. Her voice, it was like music to her ears while Camila was explaining each basics features of each department.

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