"Oh, goody. It's time to get this party started." Midnight said. I was in front of the group. 

"Alright, Midoriya, you might feel movement when I use my quirk, don't freak out, you are secured tightly." I say looking back at him, my hair was put up in a messy bun since I was part of the horse. My vine were wrapped around me tightly, my hands were free, Midoriya sat on my shoulders with Uraraka and Hatsume keeping him steady. 

         Deep breath, in, out. I got this, I am for defense and offensive plays here, we gotta keep moving, with Midoriya calling the shots. And we were off. Everyone came right for us in the beginning what else did I expect.  

"Make your choice Midoriya." I say to him. My eyes watching as the groups charged right for us. 

"We're running away!" Midoriya said, I went to move but my feet were stuck to the ground we were sinking. Midoriya used the jet pack that Hatsume had given him and we were off the ground and in the air. I looked and seen Jiro's head phones coming for us, I used my vines to block the attack.                           

"Good work Kohana, keep watching." Midoriya said. I nodded as we landed on the ground. Now we are running. I tightened my hold on Midoriya slightly to keep him from falling off. I still have my hands free, I looked around. I heard Mineta's laugh, I turned my head slightly to see Shoji running at us. My guess is that Mineta is on his back which is covered by Shoji's arms, shielding him. I looked in front of me and seen the group that made us sink in the ground coming at us. 

"What we need is breathing room. We can't get caught trapped between multiple opponents, Midoriya." I say to him as I stared ahead making eye contact with the sliver haired boy that has a sharp temper. Uraraka was stuck on Mineta's ball, I felt Midoriya duck and a tongue went past us and almost hit the guys in front of us. That was Tsu's  tongue. Then Mineta and Tsu where trying to hit Midoriya as he kept dodging them.

"Midoriya! We have to move!" I yelled as they kept getting closer, so Midoriya used the jet pack once again, breaking Hatsume's equipment that Uraraka was using. I heard an explosion, oh no. I took the risk and looked down and seen Bakugo coming at us. I used my vines to block his explosion. Some of my vines turned to ash the others were fine. We landed on the ground, my vine grew back. I huffed out a breath as we continued running. 

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked. 

"I'm fine, his explosion wasn't all that powerful." I say to him. I took a risk and glanced up at the screen, only our team was doing pretty well, in our class. "We need to keep moving." We skidded to a stop by me, because someone ran in front of me, I looked and seen Todoroki and his team, which consisted of Iida Momo, and Kaminari. I made eye contact with Iida who stared at me, my vines where at the ready. 

"I'll be taking that now." Todoroki spoke. I let out a breath. 

     My eyes slid to the side as I seen Shoji coming at us reveling Mineta and Tsu. We had Todoroki and Shoji both coming at us, soon enough more people will be as well. Kaminari used lightning against us. I used my vines to block us. I let out a yelp as it hit, I could feel the vine trying to conduct it back and away from me. It stopped and I let out a breath, my vine seemed to be holding up pretty well from that. 

"Kohana are you okay?" Midoriya asked. 

"I'm fine." I grumbled. "We need to move!" I yelled at him as I watched Todoroki freeze everyone else, but Midoriya's jet pack malfunctioned. We were trying to move away from them, but they were coming in to quickly because of Iida. I tried to get them away form us, but Momo stopped me. I growled as she smiled at me. 

"She's to good at her quirk, we need to be careful." Midoriya said. I shook my head. 

"No, it's Kaminari. If he hit me any harder, I would have been down for count. My vines can easily destroy anything, but anything that has to do with fire or anything like that they will be destroyed." I say to him. We jolted to a stop as we stopped just before the end of the arena. I looked around we were stuck, surrounded by ice. Each time they moved we moved, I kept the vines out in front of me, I kept my eyes on Kaminari, not knowing when he was going to use his Quirk again. My eyes moved to Iida who moved down to start running. 

"We need....!" I yelled but it was to late, he was there in a heart beat, I was frozen I couldn't do anything. My eyes were wide. I looked back and Iida stood there with his team. I was a secret move that he had told no one about. We need to go, we can do this. We started running, Midoriya went to use his quirk, my face was right next to Kaminari's. We moved right past them as Midoriya got a headband. 

"KOHANA!" Midoriya yelled, I sent my vines out, as Kaminari used lightening to stop us, I screamed and kept pushing, the lightening stopped but I was lucky enough to grab another hand band before time was up, I let a breath as I stared wide eyed at the group in front of me, this was going to be a huge fight. I heard a thud my eyes slid over and seen Bakugo laying on the ground face first. I let Midoriya down, my vines unwrapped from him rest in my shoulders I held the headband in my hand. I was looking down at is.  

"I'm sorry." I say as my team turned to look at me. "I tried to grab the ten million points, but of course that didn't go as planned." I say rubbing the back of my head as I held out the headband. The headband had 615 on it. We were in forth place. Midoriya screamed and started crying. I rubbed the back of my head slightly with a smile. We went for lunch after that.

        I started walking away rubbing my arm. Kaminari's lightening did a number on it, nothing to bad just a light ache. 

"Kohana." I heard someone say. I looked over and seen Kirishima. "How's your arm holding up?" He caught up to me and started walking with me. 

"It's fine. Just a dull ache, from the lightening is all." I say holding out my arm. I flexed my fingers slightly. We walked for a second. I felt someone jump on my back almost knocking me off balance. My arms wrapped around the person's legs. 

"Ugh, I'm so tired!" I heard Mina say as she relaxed my body. I chuckled slightly. 

"So am I and you think I want to give you a piggy back ride?" I asked looking at her over my shoulder. She smiled with a piece sign. I rolled my eyes with a smile, Kaminari came up to us, his brain was still on the short circuit. We went and got lunch, Mina wondered off to get her lunch and I went and got mine. 

"Kohana." I heard my uncles voice say, I turned my head towards him. He wanted me to follow him so I did. He took me inside and sat me down with Recovery Girl as I ate my lunch she checked over my arm. 

"Your Quirk is something else, dear." She said. "I'm not seeing a single singe mark or burn from the lightening boy." She added. 

"I told you guys I was fine." I say taking my arm away. Recovery Girl soon left Aizawa and I alone after she checked me over. 

"You looked just like your father out there." He said looking at me. "The same Quirk, same style of fighting. I couldn't even teach you what you learned on your own." I stared at him as he talked. "You're doing good, keep going strong no matter how hard it's going to be, you can do it." I nodded my head at him. "Keep drinking a lot of water on your down time, keep your body hydrated." I nodded my head and let me go. I finished my lunch with him tho, before I left to find my friends.   

Roses and Flames *Bakugo Katsuki* (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now