The staring game was on. His eyes slithered shock waves and mine, the guilty ones. Just then, Colin rushed downstairs. "Umm...guys?" He whispered softly. The two of us saw him and looked away, trying our best to act as though a few minutes back nothing happened at all. Slowly, I turned around and hugged him. He engulfed me in a hug back. Skyler just stared at the car. I wrapped my arm around Colin's shoulder and stared at the two 'borne enemies', that's what I used to call them. Linda suddenly rushed through the backdoor and stood by my side, her hand grabbing my free arm tight. Colin pulled away from me and walked towards Skyler. These guys hadn't talked like since Colin was 7 and Skyler, 8. The first time they met sent negative vibes to both the parties so I guess they thought it best to stay apart.

The reason they ignored each other so much, a shrug could answer that for you. It had been a really long time and I was quite nervous to see Col approaching Sky. He touched Sky's shoulder and Sky turned to look at him. "Hey dude!" Colin said with a bright smile on his face. "Hi man!" Sky grinned back and shook hands with him. Woah! Were my eyes deceiving me or did it really seem that everything was cool between them?

"Can you please stop staring like that?" Colin pleaded with a clear grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Lin's hand. "Come on, let's get in. These weirdos will follow us soon enough." She gave me a dumbfounded nod and headed in. Linda walked towards a table at the corner of the restaurant probably to make our conversation discreet. I decided that Skyler shouldn't know anything about all the past happenings until I understood what exactly happened to Mr. Russo. A minor stroke! Are you kidding me? There was a reason behind that I knew and my doubts were hazy right now. I didn't really understand why my mind felt there was a connection between all the creepy stuff that happened at school and Mr. Russo's incident. Hope you get what I mean!

Just as we took our seats, the boys entered laughing. Truthfully, if you were in my place, you wouldn't ever believe that these guys ignored each other until now! I swear! Sky sat by my right and Col to Lin's. "Okay." Colin stated, thus starting the conversation. "Skyler isn't an intruder. He's part of this and we need a fourth member. I just want to say that I don't feel Mr. Russo's heart attack was normal, you know, like a health issue. It was out of true shock, I say." He continued. "Exactly!" I stated, springing up from my chair and pointing towards him. He face palmed and stared at me with a tired expression. "Kelly, I know. Calm down." He said in a whisper. That's when I realised I had become a fool in front of three people. But, that was okay! They were my three special people after all. I gave them a sheepish smile and sat down. Colin looked at me. "Can I continue?" He asked. I nodded.

"Okay, so here's the thing. Skyler now knows about the fact that Mr. Russo just survived a minor stroke." Skyler nodded. "Sacred Heart's Hospital is just 20 minutes away from here and I went to check on him while Lin remained here." Colin continued. "How is he doing?" Skyler asked. "He's doing much better, my mum said." Apparently, Colin's mother was a cardiologist in the hospital. 'She was the one who treated Mr. Russo then!' It just clicked me. "His family was there, of course! My mum asked them regarding Mr. Russo and they said that he was a very healthy person and they least expected him to be a candidate for a minor stroke! She let me know about this while I was in the hospital. I wasn't allowed to see him though." He added. "Why are you guys doubting that he was, you know, just by chance a candidate for the stroke? I mean, there are many healthy and fit people out there who've this fate carved on their heads!" Skyler said with an obvious expression.

"Skyler, during detention, Mr. Russo wasn't his actual self, I noticed. I'm the one who brought up these doubts because I now find them a bit relevant. I very well remember that he seemed tensed, worried, confused, panicky, scared, frustrated and just like I had mentioned before, all the possible negative emotions were playing on his mind and if you noticed, his actions that day proved it very obvious!" I said all at once. "Yeah...I noticed how quickly he got agitated with you in class." Linda stated and Colin hummed in response.

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