Mum's Shop 🍵☕️

Start from the beginning

"You'll see, haha."

I open the door to the shop, "Mum, Vamp I'm here. I brought a friend, so Vamp no b-"

I saw a blur of white run past, I only just manage to grab the scruff of his neck. "Ha got ya!"

"I'm sorry about him," Mum walks out.

"It's okay, I got him in time." I hand Vamp over.

"Mum this Mahiru and Kuro. This one is Hyde, his owner's manager coming to pick him up later." I scratch the top of Hyde's head.

"Hello, I'm Zara, nice you meet you." She places Vamp down and hugs Mahiru.

"H-Hello nice to meet you too Mrs (L/N)."

"No need to be formal, call me Zara or Mum. Oh (Y/N) Lily coming in later, can you make sure the tea is ready, please?"

"Sure, is it okay if Mahiru to stay for a bit?"

"That's fine Honey, go head into the other room."

A customer walks in, Mum goes to serve them. I pull Mahiru with me into the other room.

- Hyde -

Don't tell me she knows Lily?

"So (Y/N) who's Lily?" Mahiru asks sits on the stool, next to the bench (Y/N) working on.

"Lily our regular customer, he gets tea for himself and the Alicein family." She does know the strip perv. She places me on the bench, I try and climb back up her arm.

"Sorry Hyde but I got to work." She places me back down.

"Do you know Misono?"

"No not personal, what you do?" She starts grinding the herbs in a bowl.

"Yes we're friends, we met about a year ago."

"Haha, what a small world."

After awhile Mahiru and Kuro left. Now it was just me and my Juliet. She would stop occasionally and pat me, and give me some cheese. She definitely treats me better than Angel-chan.

"There Lily's order done, Mrs Jones, Mr Wilson, and Ms Gardners. Come on let's see if there's anything Mum needs to be done." She rubs her cheek and it starts bleeding again.

I try and get her attention, she turns around and sees me. "What's up?"

She looks in a mirror, "thanks, Hyde."

She goes to a shelf, grabs a jar and puts some gel on her cheek. "That should fix it, why the sad face for?"

I hurt my Juliet, how could I hurt my dear Juliet!

Heard the doorbells ring. "Hello? I'm looking for a Ms (Y/N), I've come to pick up Hyde."

"That's your ride," she picks me up walks out of the room.

"Hello Mr Rosen, I'm (Y/N). How are you?"

"I'm very well thank you. I see Hyde got you."

Her hand touches her cheek, "oh no it was an accident. He tried to jump up on my shoulder. Guess he had enough of being in a bag, haha."

The doorbells rang again, "hello (Y/N)."

"Hello, Lily, your tea in the back I'll just get it for you." She hands me over to Crantz. She gets Lily's tea...

Both Crantz and Lily are staring at me. Like they're making fun of me being here.

"Here you go. You're looking a lot better from the last time I saw you."

"While thank you, I do feel a bit better. Sorry but I must get going, thank you for the tea. I'll see you next time."

"See you than Lily, bye."

"Excuse Ms (Y/N)."

She turns back to us, "(Y/N) is fine."

"I don't mean to be rude. But what's this tea that you gave Lily?"

"It's a pick me up tea. Replaces caffeine in diet and added vitamins. You know things we lack in our day to day diet. We're no doctors, for people who want natural remedies and teas. I have suggested Lily see a doctor, but he refuses to go."

"I see, I have a friend that needs a pick me up. Would I be able to get some?"

"All our teas are tailor-made for that person. Lily says he hates tea but loves macarons. Mum made the tea taste like macarons."

"Arr yes, you do take care of your customers."

She smiles, she's even more beautiful when she smiles. "That we do, if your friend not busy, have them drop by 4 o'clock tomorrow. I'll be happy to help."

"I'll let him know, thank you and have a good night."

"Your welcome, you too. Bye Hyde." She gave me a last pat, we left.

Back in the limo, Licht was waiting. "Rotten Hedgehog!" He kicks me out of Crantz hands.

"Angel-Babe what was that for?"

He looks out the window, "you missed the performance." Fuck I forgot about that.

"Lawless can make up for it tomorrow during the day. He has an appointment with (Y/N) at 4 o'clock."

"What? Why?"

"Lily pick up some tea, even though he's not completely back to his normal self. He is looking better, I thought maybe Lawless could try it. It's wouldn't hurt trying."


At least I get to see my Juliet in person tomorrow.

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