The Phone Call

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Samantha Manson, or as she makes everyone call her, Sam. She was a gothic, ultra-recyclo-vegetarian, and best friends with Danny Grayson-Fenton and Tucker Foley. Tucker was normally the optimist, and a techno geek. Right now Sam was with Tucker at her house. Since it was Friday they were up, searching for anything that could tell them what happened to Danny and Danielle. Tucker was on his laptop searching for anything that could tell him what happened and Sam searching through newspapers and articles for anything ghost related or anything that looked like would involve the two halfas.

"We've been at this for a year. I'm beginning to think that this is hopeless." Tucker sighed.

"We have to keep searching Tucker. They can't just disappear like that! They may be ghosts, but they're halfas! They wouldn't just disappear on us!" Sam cried out. She looked at the news papers in front of her before growling in frustration.

"You're right Sam! So let's calm down now! Something will definitely turn up!" Tucker quickly spoke.

This has been going on for a year. Although lately Tucker has been losing faith and Sam has been growing more desperate. She wanted Danny back, safe. The longer he was missing, the longer it's likely he'll be fully dead this time. The whole town had given up on looking for Danny, even his parents. Everyone was convinced he ran away to the circus, since he wasn't originally a Fenton and had been from a circus. It was one of the reasons he was bullied at school. Of course Tucker and Sam knew otherwise and still haven't given up.

Just when Sam was just about to call it quits for the night, her phone rang. The number said unknown and just as she was about to cancel the call, she paused. What if it was Danny? So instead she answered it. If it was a telemarketer she'd just hang up, that simple.

"Hello, who's this? How did you get this number?" She asked instantly. Tucker looked over to Sam from his laptop in interest. It wasn't often for Sam to get a phone call, let alone answer one from an unknown number.

"Hey Sam, I'm not dead." Said the familiar voice that made the girl freeze before she chocked out an answer.

"I'm putting you on speaker." Sam then pulled the phone away from her ear and put the phone on speaker.

"Sam?" The voice questioned again, getting Tucker's attention. He knew that voice.

"Danny!?" He exclaimed in shock. In all their time searching, he didn't expect for Danny to just call them.

"Tucker? Where's Sam?"

"Right here, I put you on speaker." Sam answered. "What happened, where are you?"

"Heheh that's a funny story." Danny began. "So Danielle and I were captured by the GIW and were being held in their facility this past year."

"Oh Danny..." Sam frowned. She had a vague idea from how Danny's voice wavered, meaning that something happened to them. However, she'd ask him later.

"So how'd you guys escape?" Tucker asked.

"We didn't, we got rescued by a group of young heroes."

"A group of heroes? Like the Justice League?" Tucker couldn't help but ask. He was a techno geek and the Justice League had access to the most advanced technology on Earth. He was a fan and a little bit jealous.

"Yeah. I can't tell you much, but I won't be able to go home for awhile. Time to rest, get my energy back. I'm pretty sure I'm at 45% at most." Danny paused for a moment before continuing. "I really miss you guys, so much."

"We miss you too Danny." Sam said lovingly.

"Oh yeah Danielle is going to be staying here at the teams base and I'll be helping out for awhile too. You should somehow get a message to Valerie, so she won't have to worry that much about her."

"Wait, what!?" Sam's left eye twitched at this new information, and it wasn't the part about Danielle. Him taking some time to return to them she can understand, but working with them outside of familiar territory? Not to mention the dangers of it? Sam can't be sure if Danny should help them.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Tucker asked, just as worried for his friend as Sam. They just found out he's okay, now they're learning that he's going to himself in the line of danger again? There's so many unknown factors with dealing with other heroes work than catching ghosts on home turf.

"Yeah besides... there's uh... some people here that I never thought I'd see again." They could hear Danny yawn on the other side of the line. "I'm kind of really tired, a lot happened today. Miss you guys bye." Then he hung up.

Sam couldn't decide if she should be angry, upset, or happy at the moment. Tucker was ecstatic and worried. However, they both knew one thing. Danny and Danielle were okay and that's all that mattered at the moment. Now to just to tell Valerie the good news about Danielle.


I'll take a moment to thank you the reader and also state that I literally have no update scheduled, it literally is non existent cuz sometimes I get writer's block for certain shows so I need to write a different fanfic to get it out of my system, of course I love this one, so I try to write as often as I can for this one then post chapters when I feel like I have a good enough amount of chapters in my back pocket in case I feel bad that I haven't updated in a certain amount of time. It's my own little system I have because I love writing as my own form of enjoyment. I thank you for your understanding.

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