They Join The Team

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"I bet the Batcave will be so crowded now." Stated Wally, Kid Flash, with a crooked grin. Now that he knew what was going on between Dick and Danny, he didn't feel jeal- upset anymore. So he was back to his usual self. "With Danny, your sister, Danny's clone... oh and that Jason kid Bruce picked up."

"Her name is Danielle, and it's not going to be much of a problem. We're not staying with Bruce, well I'm not anyways." Danny said immediately, making Dick frown a little. He was kind of expecting his brother to come live with him after all, then he understood after Danny explained the reason why to him. "I have people worried sick about me back home. That and my adoptive parents are still alive, so legally I have to stay with them until I turn eighteen, and Danielle can decide what she wants on her own."

"What if we build a zeta tube there?" Dick states. "There's no way I'm letting go of you or Dali when I've finally found both of you and you're both right here. That and Danielle technically doesn't exist, so maybe she should stay here until Bruce and I get her some credentials."

"That could work Danny! We both know that I can't go back home with you, I don't exist so staying here is my best option in staying low until then." Danielle told him. "And you get to visit whenever you want."

"Yeah that could work." Danny nodded. "And I can join your team, not like my parents will notice." It was meant to be an off-handed comment, but Dick could tell that the fact bothered Danny a lot. Call it brother's intuition. "Besides Danielle having a permanent place to stay is reassuring."


"It'll be so awesome to have you guys on the team!" Wally stated.

"Cool I'll tell Bats!" Dick stated. Dick slipped on his mask, adorning his Robin persona as Danny and Danielle transform into their alternative personas, Phantom and Spirit. When they went to the living room they found Batman with Dark Rabbit standing next to him, looking a little sheepish standing before the group.

"What'd we miss?" Dick asked immediately, seeing the conflicting looks the rest of the team had.

"Dark Rabbit will be joining the team." Batman stated.

"Seriously? Yes!" Robin smiled excitedly before going over and hugging Dark Rabbit. His smile grew larger when she hugged back before letting her go, smile never fading when he pulled back and saw her smiling too.

"Geez Robin you move fast." Artemis snickered from her spot on the couch. The blonde had been checking over her arrows, but decided that this was worth her attention.

Robin's face shifted from happiness to horrified just like that and Dark Rabbits became one of disgust. Immediately at the same time they said "Ew and I don't even swing that way!" They both looked to each before they started laughing, joined in by Kid Flash, Phantom and Spirit this time.

"Oh man that's just sick Arty!" Kid Flash laughed out.

"What?" Artemis asked, brows furrowing.

"Sorry you can't know or it'll compromise my identity." Robin cackled.

"Not to mention mine." Rabbit frowned. "Besides, Robin isn't my type."

"Nor would Dark Rabbit be mine."

"Right. If I remember correctly... you had a thing for red heads." Phantom spoke up. "You used to have the biggest crush on-" Before he could continue, Robin was already covering the halfa's mouth with a flustered look on his face.

"You both know each other?" Aqualad asked, puzzled.

"It's been five years since the three of us last saw each other, so it'll probably be a bit weird for awhile." Said the ex assassin, a frown on her face remembering how long they've been apart. They had a lot to catch up on, and there was Danielle too. So much to do.

"Oh right Batman! Spirit here, she's a clone like Supey here and doesn't have anywhere to go! So we thought she could stay here until she gets credentials and we can build a zeta beam in Amity Park, since Phantom decided he wanted to join the team too. You know, more bonding time." Robin looked at Batman, if they could see his eyes, they would've saw him giving Batman something akin to the puppy dog eyes.

"I'll let the Justice League know then." Batman stated. "Robin, Dark Rabbit you both come with me. Phantom will stay here until the zeta is built, then you can let your family know your safe."

"Can I um.... make a few calls to the ones that know about me being well... this? They're probably haven't stopped searching." Phantom pleaded.

"Especially a certain goth." Whispered Spirit, only loud enough for Phantom and Superboy to hear.

"Spirit it's not like that." Phantom pouted.

"Sure it's not." Spirit said in a teasing tone. Meanwhile Robin mentally noted to ask Spirit what she was talking about later. He wanted in on teasing his brother too.

"Fine." Batman stated.

When Batman left, with Dark Rabbit and Robin in tow, Aqualad showed Phantom and Spirit to their rooms. "Thanks, you know for saving us."

"It's what we do." Aqualad stated before going to Zeta back to Atlantis.

That night, after Phantom and Spirit were finally able eat, they retired to their rooms, making sure to lock them to keep their identities safe. Danny transformed and saw the phone waiting for him. With a deep breath Danny dialed the familiar number that he knows by heart.

"Hello?" Danny almost cried at the sound of her voice, but kept it together.

"Hey Jazz, it's me." (a/n: be honest and tell me if you thought he'd call Sam before Jazz)

"Danny!? Where have you been? Mom and Dad are asleep, let me go wake them-"

"No it's fine! I'm just calling to let you know I'm alive before I call Sam, so you don't lash out for calling her before you."

"Okay, but Danny where are you? What happened? First you went missing, then Danielle..."

"I was tired and I wasn't thinking. The GIW got me and then they got Danielle as well." Danny sighed into the phone. "We were rescued by a team of heroes and now I'm calling you guys to tell you. That and I won't be able to leave this place for awhile. They're going to build a zeta tube in Amity Park since I'll be joining this team as thanks for giving Danielle a place to live, and for rescuing us."

"Okay, but you better call us daily until you come home." Jazz said. "Blood related or not, you're still my little brother and I miss you."

"Okay and I miss you too Jazz."

"Okay, now go call your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend!" Danny yelled into the phone before Jazz hung up.

Now the difficult part.


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