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When Robin dragged Phantom off to the interrogation room, where Dark Rabbit has been waiting a while, Spirit decided to follow them. Turning invisible she tailed the two as they approached the room and that's when Robin hesitated. "What if she isn't her?"

That's when Spirit made her appearance known. "What are you two doing?" She asked, surprising Robin a little, but not so much Phantom.

"Spirit this is him. You know from the stories I told you about." Phantom said.

"No way that's awesome! Well you already know how we're related, I mean I am his clone. So... you get it right." Spirit smiled.

"Oh god there's four of us now. Bats' head will be spinning." Robin laughed.

"But first we still have to ask her." Phantom pointed out.

"Right, there's that." Taking a deep breath Robin opened the door. Dark Rabbit looked up from where she sat at the table. Her brows furrowed. Obviously she wasn't expecting Robin and the escapees. The three walked in before closing the door. Robin did something on his hologlove before looking up. "Okay cameras are offline for an hour. Ask her."

"We both know you have to be the one." Phantom stated, giving Robin an reassuring look.

"Fine." Robin grumbled, glaring at Phantom and Spirit, who was giggling at Robin, before looking at the girl before him, his gaze softening. "Are you Adalina Grayson?"

Dark Rabbit looked at him with a strange look before sighing and removing her goggles, revealing blue eyes that matched the one's Phantom had seen when Robin removed his mask earlier. She continued to pull the mask that sat over her mouth down before speaking. "How could you have possibly known that? I've been missing for five years. How could you have figured it out so quickly?"

"Because little Rabbit, your leaps don't lie." Phantom smiled before turning human, becoming Danny once more. "Hi Dali."

"Danny? But then..." Dina looked to Robin who looked down before removing his mask to reveal that he's Richard Grayson. "Dick..." She said softly.

White halos traveled up and down Spirit to reveal a girl nearly the splitting image of Danny, except she was two years younger than him. "And I'm Danielle! I'm so glad to finally meet you both!"

"Wait you said you were Danny's clone earlier. So... we have a sister now?" Dali said, a little surprised.

"If you're not okay with it, I understand." Danielle says immediately. She was glad that Danny accepted her, although she'd be sad if they didn't, they were all related now after all.

"I'm sure we can figure this out." Dick stated. "It'll be awkward, but I'm sure it'll be fine. How did you even get cloned?" Dick looked to Danny.

"A story for later that involves a crazy fruit loop." Was his response making Danielle snicker.

For the remainder of time the four talked. The others were shocked that Dali was picked up by Talia to be an assassin, and even more-so that she was allowed to leave. They eventually covered up their identities before the cameras came back on.

"I've missed you guys." Dali spoke up suddenly, making smiles enter her brothers' faces.

"We've missed you too."

Wally's POV

I was maybe a little ticked off with Robin running off somewhere with some guy and not even acknowledging us as he ran off with Phantom in tow. He even got to sit in on this guy's interrogation with Batman, by Phantom's request. No I wasn't jealous at all. Just... lately Robin has preoccupying himself and hasn't been hanging out with me so often. Suddenly this guy comes along and Robin drags him off somewhere? It's really bothering me.

Batman came out of Black Canary's therapy session room. As one of the few that knows Batman's identity, I can somewhat tell the difference between the man's moods when he's wearing the cowl. So I'm kind of confused on why he seemed to be in a good mood after asking Phantom some questions.

After waiting around for nearly an hour for Rob and Phantom come back, they appeared with smiles on their faces, Spirit with them as well. Wait when did Spirit leave?

"Bats you can talk to her now... just uh make sure to turn off the cameras when you ask who she is." Robin told him, smile never leaving his face, just what exactly happened?

When Batman left I instantly turned to Robin, already knowing what I was going to ask. "What's going on Rob?"

"Right, Wally, okay so let's you, me, Phantom and Spirit talk, right?" Robin let go of Phantom's hand - strangely quelling a bit of my frustration - in favor of grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the familiar hallway that held the bedrooms. Phantom and Spirit followed us as he took us to his room. As soon as everyone was in he immediately took of his mask.

"Dude secret identities much!" I gestured to the two complete strangers.

"Don't worry so much about the secret identity thing." Spirit shrugged as suddenly two halos of light transformed her appearance. Instead of the white wispy hair and green eyes, she now had black hair and blue eyes. She wore a hoodie and long pants and she seemed paler now.

Then the same happened with the other boy, his attire made it more obvious how malnourished he was, so I assumed the girl must've been in the same state. It was a good idea for Megan to have gave them a little food earlier, they must not have been given enough food. "Hi my name is Danny, she's Danielle. Since it seems like Dickie trusts you, I guess that means I should too."

"You're the older brother." I stated, the jealousy boiling in me dissipated immediately. Wait jealousy? No I was not jealous, nope. I was just concerned, yep, concerned about my best friend who happens to be hand-not the time! "Wait then who are you? I'm sure that you two said you were brother and sister."

"Ah see Danielle was cloned from me. The guy who did the cloning didn't do it correctly, accidentally got more X chromosomes than Y, and she was unstable, so I had to figure out how to stabilize her." Danny explained.

"Dude your family just got weirder." Wally stated.

"It gets weirder." Dick sighed. "My twin is in interrogation with Batman right now."

"You're right, but wow... I bet the Batcave will be so crowded now." I stated with a smirk.


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