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"Are you fucking insane?!" 

* * *

No way. It can't be him. Why? Why? Why? This is bullshit. 

"You ruined it," I mumble under my breath, trying to wrap my head around the situation. "I ruined it? What the fuck are you talking about? I just saved your life." He says griping my arm tighter. "I had one bullet left and you ruined it. You ruined my whole plan. I was supposed to die. This isn't right. Oh god, what do I do? I-I--" I ramble dropping the gun on the ground. My eyes start to water and my chest tightens. 

"Calm down! You're freaking me out. Just breath." He says realesing my arm. I swiftly try and jump but he puts his arms around my waist. Dammit, he's fast.

"Stop it!" He yells, his voice booming. "No, I won't stop. I won't stop until I'm dead!" I scream out griping my hair. "They're back, oh no. They're back. What do I do? This can't be happening." I mumble pulling at my hair. "Whose back?" He asks gripping my hands and pulling them down. "The voices. They won't stop whispering. Oh god, they're everywhere. Make them stop." I continue to scream. I fall on my knees and put my head inbewteen my legs. My body beings to shake uncontrollably. I feel arms wrap around my waist again but this time lifting me up. He carries me bride style back over the gate.

"What are you doing? Let me go." I yell trying to break free of his grip. "You need help. Serious help." He says looking down at me with concerned eyes. "No no no, you can't. Please don't. Please don't take me anywhere." I beg my tearing falling again. "Why? You just tried ending your own life? That isn't healthy." He speaks softly stroking my cheek.

"Please don't." I sob softly. My eyes growing heavy as he continues to comfort me. No, don't go to sleep. Stay awake Conner. Do not fall asle--

* * *

My eyes open and I groan out as they try to adjust to the light. Wait a minute, where am I? My body jerks up quickly and I look around to see nothing looks familiar. I sigh in relief as it resembles nothing of a hospital or rehab center. But where exactly am I? Am I dead? I look down at my arms and inspect them. A few bruises, probably where that guy was griping me so damn--

He was the one who stopped me. Suddenly the memories of the day before come rolling back. I'm supposed to be dead. He fucking stopped me. Am I in his house? Whatever, it doesn't matter, I need to get out of here. Hopefully, I'm not in the news yet, I did shoot the guy who adopted me, but he was an asshole so-- Focus Conner. Find an escape.

I jump out of the bed I was placed in and look around frantically for a door. I spot it beside the dresser. I run over to it and turn the handle. Ah, good, it's not locked. I crack it slightly and look around to make sure no ones there. With luck, no one is. Heres my chance.

I jolt out the door and run down some stairs. This house is fucking huge. Let's hope I don't get lost. I yelp out as I trip over a bump in a carpet. "Fuck." I yell out quickly covering my mouth. Shit, Conner. Just be quite, is that so hard?

"There you are." I glance up slowly already knowing the owner of that stupid voice. "Just let me go. I don't want to cause you any trouble. I just want to leave." I say standing up slowly putting my arms out in front of me. "No, but you do want to kill yourself, am I wrong?" He says crossing his arms. I look at him and smile. Took him long enough, like what did he think? I accidentally put a gun to my head? Seriously. "Oh, do you want to kill yourself because you're a crazy fucker who murdered his own father?" He speaks loudly taking out a knife. Shit, he knows. That means my face is all over the news already. Shit.

I laugh and wipe a fake tear. "Please, just stab me. You'll be doing me a favor." I grin widely. "You're fucking insane." He says in disgust. "Yup, now are you going to stab me orrr?" I question rolling my eyes. He walks up to me swiftly, our faces only inches apart. He places the knife on my chest gently pushing it.

"I could easily kill you right now." He whispers, glancing up at me. There's something in his voice, almost as if he's teasing me. What is he playing at? Is he not scared? I literally murdered someone and he's being so nonchalant about it. I smile mentally. What an odd human.

I lift my chest slightly. Applying more pressure between the knife and myself. "Do it." I whisper back with a small smile. He removes the knife and puts it back into the front pocket of his jeans. "And what would be the fun in that?" He questions with a smirk.

I stare at him with wide eyes and a slightly parted mouth. Is this guy serious? I can not believe it. Maybe he's just as crazy as me. Now, this is going to be interesting.  I cross my arms. "So, you know that I'm insane. I shot someone and tried to use the same gun to kill myself. I'm addicted to the needle and can't stay away from pain. What are you going to do? I could lash out at any time. I could kill you. Why are you so oddly calm about all of this?" I ask taking a step back suddenly feeling odd from the proximity of ourselves.

"So many questions Conner." He says his smirk only growing. This guy is really pissing me off. Also... "You know my name. So tell me yours. It's only fair." I state. "Hm, I suppose I can answer that. The name's Adrian. That's all you need to know, for now." Adrian speaks running his hands through his hair. "What a secretive dick."

"Ouch." He fake winces. "Oops. Did I say that out loud? Silly me. I guess it slipped" I giggle sticking out my tongue. After a few seconds, silence fills the room. Now that I think about it, what am I going to do? I'm basically on the run until I can find a way to off myself. Oh yeah, I'm still planning on killing myself, that was the plan from the beginning nothing has changed. Adrain's only a little setback. I just need to get out of here. He is letting me go, right? I mean, who would keep a criminal in their house?

"So, when am I free to go?" I ask breaking the silence. Hating the static noise it brought. "Oh, about that. You aren't leaving. You're a fucking lunatic. I can't just let you go. Who knows what you'll do. Who you'll innocently murder next. Oh and don't even think about escaping, it won't work. We are literally in the middle of nowhere. While you were out from crying like a little bitch, I took us on a little road trip to an adorable cabin in the woods. Even if you do manage to leave the building, you'll get gnawed by wolves before you make it out of the lawn." My jaw drops and I feel myself go pale. 

"Then why don't you just kill me? Why go through all this trouble just to keep me here? You don't even know me. Why couldn't you have just me fall to my death? It's would've saved us both the trouble of all of this. Plus, the police will just end up finding me anyways." I say my voice getting louder and louder. I can feel my face burn with rage. This is all so fucking stupid. 

Adrain just stands there. Arms crossed. With a stupid smirk plastered on his face. This bitch is testing me. "Say something," I scream getting to fed up with his silence. He steps closer to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Feel free to explore the house." 

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