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"Today's going to be a great day."

* * *

Okay, so killing Greg right away may have not been the greatest thing for me to do. But what can I say, the guys a dick. I mean, I was obviously going to kill him at some point, why do you think I loaded two bullets instead of one? Maybe I'd miss? Ha, unlikely when its going to be pointed right on my temple. On my left side though.

So you've figured it out? That was fast. Yup, I'm a psychopath. How'd you know? I thought I was very discreet. Oh well, my secrets out. So now what? I still have a good two hours until my planned suicide. I want it to be dramatic. I'm going to shoot myself on top of a hill, where the birds can eat my insides and satisfy themselves. Then, my dead human remains will give nutrients to the soil and hopefully beautiful flowers will grow. Wouldnt that be awesome? Hell yeah, it would.

I guess I could just wait at the top of the hill and watch the sunset. Sounds romantic. Love was never my strong point. I've never experienced it before and oh god do I not want too. I've read too many novels where they go terribly wrong and as amazing as that would be, I just don't have time to fall in love. 

Ah, there it is. My favorite bench and-- hey wait a minute. Who the fuck is in it? What is with people and taking others' chairs? Ugh, how annoying. I approach the stranger, hands in my pockets.

"Hello, I'm Conner." I greet the man, noticing the gender of the person I'm about to go off on. He has black fucked up hair. And is wearing all black with a shirt that shows off all his tattoos. What an interesting man, quite attractive too.

"Yeah, I don't care. Fuck off." He speaks. His voice is deep but sounds dry. I glance up at his face, noticing his eyes are puffy and red-colored. Has he been crying? What a pussy. He gives off such a masculine facade.

"Wow. For such a good looking guy you sure seem like an asshole full of insecurities. Did your daddy not love you? Or perhaps your mommy?" I say and fake a deep frown. Faking a tear with my finger.

He stands up and without hesitation punches me square in my jaw. Ouch, that hurt. I want more. I stumble back and fall right on my ass. I laugh and rub my jaw where he punched. "Do you have a death wish?" He spits, kicking me in my stomach. "Actually I do," I laugh coughing up some blood. He scrunches up his face in disgust. I stand back up and brush off the dirt on my jeans smearing some of the blood that was on my hands onto my jeans.

"Fuck off before I beat you to a pulp." He speaks angrily. I roll my eyes. "Look, I just want my bench. I don't have much time and I would like to enjoy the sunset." I say with a big smile. "Your bench?" He questions and raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, seriously, get lost kid." He chuckles and sits back down.

"Kid? I'm about to turn nineteen for your information." I say offended. Do I really look that young? "Look, I don't give a single fuck about your age. Just please get lost." He sighs out loud rubbing his temples. "Well, how old are you?" I ask tilting my head sideways. He mumbles some words under his breath. "If I answer will you go away?" He speaks lowly. Giving up that easily? Hm. I nod and sit down on the bench beside him. He scoots all the way over when he notices. "I'm twenty-two. Now fuck. off." 

"A little old to be crying, don't ya think," I speak with a wink. He quickly turns his head in my direction locking eyes with mine. He suddenly leaps at me causing me to gasp as we ram into the ground. He grips my wrists tightly over my head. "What the fuck do you know?" He questions spitting in my face. Ew. I wiggle my arms trying to free them. "Let go." I speak lowly. I hate being restrained. Brings back too many memories. "Let you go? Who the fuck do you think you are?" He speaks ramming his knee into my stomach. I groan out in pain and continue to cough. I pull at my arms more but his grip is too strong. Who is this guy? The Hulk? "Please let go." I whimper out feeling my eyes begin to water. He laughs out loudly, his deep voice echoing through the park. "Whos the pussy now?" He whispers into my ear. What an asshole.

By now the tears are rolling down my cheeks and my face is bright red. "Let go. Please." I continue to beg through the sobs. "Ugh. Shut up. You're so annoying." He yells in my face. After a few minutes he finally legs go and I rub my wrists as they felt sore. I stand up and notice the strangers gone, just like that. I wipe my eyes and sigh loudly. What an odd guy.

I shrug at my thoughts and sit on the bench and watch as the sun finally begins to set.

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