Nighty Night

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Hey my pandas! How are y'all? I hope you're swell!

Without further ado, on with the story! Enjoy :)


Normal P.O.V

A week has passed since Lucy's departure, and it's also been a week since Minerva had attacked.

"I really have no idea why she would do something like that, it was crazy." Sting sighed, placing his face into his hands.

"Look, I don't know either. But that was the second time she attacked Lucy in one night right? And not to mention, she nearly killed Lucy at the games a few months back." Rogue reasoned with the master, sting urging him to go on.

"My suggestion is to keep them apart. Don't let Lucy come here when Minerva is around." He shrugged, sitting in the seat across from the blonde boy.

Sting sat back, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "I guess that's what's best. I just don't want Lucy to think I'm choosing Minerva over her." He frowned.

"She won't think that. This is Lucy. She'll understand more than anyone. Have some more faith in the girl." Rogue chuckled, Sting rolling his eyes.

"Yea yea, but speaking of Minerva, where is she? I haven't seen her in a couple of days." Sting mumbled, bringing his fingers up to his chin.

"I don't know, I never really thought about it until now." Rogue shrugged, not to worried about the girls location.

"I just don't want her getting to Lucy. But she has Natsu, she'll be more than safe." Sting laughed, thinking about the pink haired idiot he is entrusting the girl he loves with.

"Anyways, I must return downstairs. I was in a conversation with Yukino before I was summoned." Rogue muttered before starting his walk out the door.

"Get some Rogue!" Sting shouted back just before the door slammed.

He chuckled to himself before sitting back down in his chair, his feet resting on the countertop.

"Come on Minerva, where are you? Think Sting, think!" He growled to himself, trying to come up with any possible locations of the maiden.

"Ugh! It's like my mind just stopped working! Oh well, Lucy's safe as of now, and that's all that matters." Sting sighed as he finally calmed himself back down, returning to his work.

His attention was pulled away from his own thoughts when a little glass ball rolled into the room, it's origin being unknown. Sting debated for a slight moment, wondering if he should grab it or not.

He shrugged, figuring he was just going to put it in his drawer, maybe one of his guild mates was playing a prank? He chuckled, "Well, two can play at this game!" He laughed before lunging at the ball.

As he neared it, it's glow started to brighten, but before he could react, his fingers brushed against the smooth glass.

His body felt as if it was on fire, but he also felt numb at the same time. It was a surreal feeling, one he never wished he would experience.

"W-what's happening?" He struggled to get out, grasping at his own throat, hoping to feel any sort of relief.

A sweet chuckle filled his ears, one that sounded almost familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Oh Sting, how naive of you. Didn't you ever hear the expression, 'curiosity killed the cat'? Now, you're mine." The last few words were whispered into his ear, he felt the lips of his attacker brush his ear, sending chills down his spine.

"Nighty night, Sting." He heard her soft giggle again before his eyes fully shut, submerging him into darkness.

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