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Hey my pandas! How are y'all? I hope you're swell!!

Is everyone excited for break? Cause I sure am! 5 days without school sounds heavenly right about now.

Anyways, without further ado, on with the story! Enjoy:)

Normal P.O.V

"Good morning, Lu." Sting sighed as Lucy opened her eyes.

"Good morning, Stingy bee." She giggled when he furrowed his brows.

"I'm a bee now?"

"You always have been." She shrugged, sitting up to stretch.

"What time is it?" She yawned, looking at his bedside clock.

"We still have a couple hours before my train leaves, lets go do something." Lucy suggested, patting Sting's arm.

"No, I want to stay here all day." He mumbled, burying his face into his pillow.

Lucy pouted before looking around, finding a pillow on the floor. She smirked and quickly picked it up, brining it above her head. With no warning, she smacked him with it.

"Ouch! What was that for blondie?" He groaned, glaring at her.

"I wanna have some fun! But you're being grumpy." She sulked, before smiling when Sting finally agreed.

"Lets go for a walk, show me the city." Lucy smiled, pulling him out of his home.

"Alright, Lu." He laced his fingers with hers, and walked around the town. He showed her various stores, restaurants, and streets filled with vendors selling all kinds of things.

"Oh my gosh, Sting look! It's a kitty." Lucy gushed, running over to where the stray cat was laying.

Lucy squatted down, gently calling out to the cat. "Hey, come here boy." She softly called, the kitten sprung to her feet, rubbing her body against Lucy's legs while purring.

"You are defiantly coming home with me." She laughed, scooping the gray creature into her arms.

"You got him?" Sting asked in disbelief, then he shook his head.

"Only you would, Lu." He chuckled, patting his head.

"What should we name it?" Lucy asked, racking her brain for a possible name.

"How about stardust? Star for short?" Sting suggested, Lucy's eyes lit up and she smiled wide.

"That's perfect!"

"Don't you mean purrfect?" Sting asked, Lucy rolling her eyes at his response.

"You are a real dork." She rebutted.

Lucy looked around the city, trying to find a clock. She finally found one, frowning when she was her train was due in about thirty minutes.

"We have to head to the station, my train is coming soon." She grabbed his hand, swinging them back and fourth while walking.

"Should I keep star here?" Lucy looked down to the blue eyes of the gray cat, smiling when the cat nudged her.

"No you take him, you can have a little buddy with you." Sting smiled, Sting thought Lucy was absolutely adorable with the kitten.

"You're my new buddy, star!" Lucy smiled, hugging him tighter.

A loud bell sounded, signaling to the couple that Lucy's train was about to arrive. Lucy sighed, turning to Sting.

"I'm going to miss you." She laid her head on his chest, wrapping her unused arm around his waist.

"I'm going to miss you too, Lu. Don't worry, we'll see each other soon." He reasoned, rubbing her back.

"I know, I know. I just hate the wait." She frowned.

"Me too, but it'll be over before you know it." She kissed his cheek.

"Bye stingy bee. I'll see you soon!" She smiled, stepping onto the train.

"Bye Lucy!"

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