Part 48

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This one will be lengthy.
For as it is a story
A story of a girl who has once heard it all before
Twice heard it all before
Heard almost everything in the book.
This one will be lengthy.
For as it is a story
A story of a boy who has told it all before
Twice heard it all before
Told and heard everything in the book.
This one will be lengthy.
For as it is a story
A story of how two different yet similar worlds
Crash into one another
The similarities feel oh so warm
The differences feel oh so cold
But when you are cold you was warmth
When you are warm you want to be a little chilled
And that . . .
That is what happens when you combine unfamiliar traits
Throughout it all
It balances.
So this attachment will be lengthy
For as this is a story
A story of two beings
Who have told everything to each other.

From my inner veins to youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora