Chapter 11| Goddess of the Stars

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   The once golden bathed area turned pitch black

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The once golden bathed area turned pitch black. The only sound that could be heard was the pouring rain. After using so much power, Katsumi collapsed on the floor. Tsubaki and Ryusai rushed over to her, both genuinely worried about her well-being.

"Katsumi!" Tsubaki exclaimed, holding her in his arms. Her body was limp, there was no pulse nor heartbeat. There was no sign of life on her anywhere. "No..! Please..! Open your eyes, Katsumi! Please!"

Ryusai closed his eyes, the pain of him doing the exact same thing to his lover came to mind. He was experiencing that pain again. Only this time... He was the watcher.

Tsubaki held her close, sobbing onto her shoulder. "Don't die... I... I wanted to tell you something very important tonight... So, please..."

Letting out a sigh through his nose, Ryusai turned away. In all truth, he had caught feelings for her. But the main reason was because she looked and acted a lot like his late fiancé. He knew he wasn't worthy of her. To love her only because she shared many similarities with Haruna. The thought of it made him disgusted with himself. He felt like he didn't deserve her.

Katsumi's fingers slightly moved, brushing against the wet dirt ground. A groan escaped from her lips, feeling raindrops on her face. It felt like she was soaked from head to toe. Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was Tsubaki sobbing onto her.

Slowly placing her hand on his head, it caught Tsubaki's attention. Lifting his head up, he saw the girl he thought was dead staring right at him. One of her eyes was still glowing from the star stone. Tsubaki was in a state of shock.

Your wish is granted. The dark king is no more. Your friends are no longer in danger. The sacrifice... Is you no longer being a human. You are now a deity. You will be a brand new goddess. The goddess of the stars... The one who overcomes... Katsumi-hime.

The voice of Aigipan disappeared soon after along with the glow in her eye. Tsubaki grunted at the sight of Katsumi, feeling like something was different about her. Same was said with Ryusai, he felt a different aura surrounding her.

Tsubaki looked at her with worried eyes. "Katsumi... Are you alright..?"

Looking up at him, Katsumi gave him a weak smile. "No more calling me little lady like you always have?"

Tears welded up in Tsubaki's eyes, embracing her tightly. "Thank the stars! You're alive! You're really alive!"

Feeling warm in his embrace, Katsumi closed her eyes, embracing him back. "I'm ok now, Tsubaki."

Ryusai felt strange being the third wheel, his eyes averting from their moment. Noticing something faintly glowing from where the king once stood, he walked over towards it.

At the same time, Tsubaki and Katsumi were still embracing each other. "Tsubaki... I had a voice inside my head saying I'm no longer human. I'm a brand new deity."

Tsubaki nodded once. "Indeed you are. I sensed it once the star stone disappeared. But it doesn't matter if you're a human or a deity. A special little lady once told me... The only thing that matter is how you treat others."

Katsumi warmly smiled at her own advice being thrown back at her. "You took the words right out of my mouth."

The two stared longingly at each other. It was soon interrupted by Ryusai clearing his throat, walking over towards them with something in his hand. "Hey. I don't know if this is important or not, but the bastard left this behind."

Handing it over to Tsubaki, he studied it on the palm of his hand. It was a crystal pendant. It was the same color as the portal that brought her into this world. Katsumi gasped, realizing what it could be. "That's how he was able to get to my time!"

Ryusai raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's going to sound unbelievable, but-"

"I've heard many crazy stories. Nothing is unbelievable to me anymore."

"Maybe this will. I'm not from this time period. I'm from the future. The year 2020."

Ryusai blinked slowly. "That would explain the clothing I first saw you wear. I knew there was something odd about you."

"Ryusai Akachi." Tsubaki addressed. There was a pregnant pause. He didn't look at him like an enemy, but as an ally. Standing up, Tsubaki stood proud, extending his hand towards Ryusai. "I promise you as the new king of Taiyosei, I will help restore your lost kingdom."

Ryusai grunted at Tsubaki's suggestion. His surprised expression turned grateful, almost pleased. "While I appreciate it, my kingdom is long gone. I am the last survivor of Akatsuki. Even if the kingdom can be restored, the people cannot."

"Perhaps you're right. Then..." Tsubaki's next suggestion surprised Ryusai even more. "Why don't you help me co-rule my kingdom?"

Raising his eyebrows, Ryusai closed his eyes while pondering on the thought. "I'll get back to you on that." Extending his hand out towards Tsubaki, the two shook hands on it. "I would like to be in peace for the time being to give it some thought. It seems like you need some peace to confess your true feelings to her."

Tsubaki blushed bright red. "Don't just say things like that out loud!"

Ryusai chuckled under his breath. "It seems like you got some explaining to do." Walking away, he left a very flustered Tsubaki and a confused Katsumi.

Blushing red as a rose, Tsubaki clicked his tongue. "That guy..."

"Tsubaki, what did you need to confess?"

His blush deepened, lowering his head in embarrassment. "I... Wanted to confess my feelings towards you for a while now..."

Now it was Katsumi's turn to blush. "Oh... Really..?"

"Yes, I... I love you... Katsumi Higurashi. Whether you're a student from the future or the goddess of the stars."

Katsumi's heart was racing, soaring to the sky. No... The heavens. This handsome, flirtatious, tender-hearted guy loves her with all of his heart. And she felt the same way. "I love you too, Tsubaki Kurohoshi."

The rain continued to pour on them, no sign of stopping anytime soon. The two of them drew their faces together, only centimeters apart. For the first time, Katsumi shared her first kiss. It was the most magical feeling she had ever felt. Even more magical from when she activated the star stone. Sharing a loving kiss under the pouring rain, the feeling was just right. Nothing could make them happier at this very moment.

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