Chapter 3| Bad Blood

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   Tsubaki continued to teasingly flirt with Katsumi, making her even more flustered then she already was

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   Tsubaki continued to teasingly flirt with Katsumi, making her even more flustered then she already was. Laughing at the sight while thinking it was too cute, his laughter suddenly came to a stop. Seeing Tsubaki wearing such a serious expression, Katsumi became concerned and confused, cocking an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

   "We're not alone."

   Katsumi's eyes widened at the news, feeling herself start to tremble. "Do you know what it is..?"

   "I'm trying to figure it out." Tsubaki closed his eyes, trying to sense where and what was nearby. His faerie ears twitched, detecting where the mysterious creature could be hiding. His nostrils slightly expanded, smelling the air. "Vampire."

   Katsumi went white as a ghost. "V-Vampire?!"

   "And not just any vampire. I know this scent very well." Tsubaki took a step forward, shooting his eyes wide open. "I know you're here! You can come out from hiding, bastard!"

   Katsumi was frozen on the spot. She couldn't tell where this vampire was. She could hear her own heart racing, feeling her adrenaline rising. It felt like the area was closing in on her, anticipating the moment when the vampire would show itself.

   Turning around, Tsubaki ended up taking out a small blade that was hiding inside the stash of his kimono. Seeing something lunging towards him, Tsubaki ended up encountering the surprise attack. Katsumi was stunned that this unknown person had appeared out of nowhere. The unknown guy had black hair that was tied into a high ponytail. His eyes were a piercing blue that could melt ice itself. He was holding a katana in his hand, pushing Tsubaki to make him step down.

   Tsubaki was trying to push this vampire away, encountering the katana with his small blade. "We meet again, Ryusai Akachi."

   The vampire named Ryusai clicked his tongue. "Do not speak my name so casually, fairy boy."

   "It's faerie!"

   Katsumi had no idea what was going on, but knew it was a bad thing. Taking a step forward, she hesitantly extended her hand. "Excuse me, can you two stop... Whatever this is..?" Never in her life would she ever think to come in between a sword fight.

   Getting caught off guard, the two guys looked at her at the same time. Ryusai took a good look at her, longly staring at her like she was someone familiar. He grunted, assuming that he had saw what was in her eyes. "You..."

   "Huh?!" Tsubaki exclaimed. "You mean to tell me you didn't attack me, because I have the girl that possesses the star stone?!"

   Ryusai glared at him, lowering the katana in his hand. "No. I simply wanted to kill you after what had happened that day."

   Katsumi tilted her head. "What do you mean? Tsubaki, what exactly did you do to have him come after you like this?"

   Tsubaki let out a sigh. "It's... A long story."

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