Chapter 8| Windows to the Soul

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   Reading through a book with about half of a thousand pages, Katsumi's face perked up when she was reading on a certain page

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Reading through a book with about half of a thousand pages, Katsumi's face perked up when she was reading on a certain page. "Finally... A section with personality." And she meant that literally. All she has been reading about were facts and physics about her sign, not how a person born under that sign's personality is like.

People who are born under the sign of Capricorn are the master of self-control, and has the potential to be a great help. In fact, Capricorn is one of the most strongest people. They will always be there to help, and are very sympathetic. They are very independent, because they know their capabilities, therefore, they rarely trust others to finish details. They like to do it all themselves.

Shrugging to herself, Katsumi could agree with that. She remembered always helping out her classmates by listening to their struggles, and giving the best advice she could. In the cruel world, Katsumi has a really tender heart and cares too much. Even when her mother had turned into an alcoholic and started saying things that emotionally scarred her, she still cared for her well-being. Now, she cared about Tsubaki and even Ryusai.

Remembering the night of the Obon Festival, Katsumi remembered the story Tsubaki told her about his mother. He looked like he truly blamed himself for her death. He was only a child then, not knowing the consequences with lack of control.

Placing her hand over her heart, Katsumi felt the vibrations of her heartbeat. The thought of Tsubaki made her heart feel like it was soaring in the sky. And about Ryusai... She was really curious about him. He hides his emotions well, but the look in his eyes hid pain. Thinking about it, the reason could be because of his late fiancé.

Wondering how he was, Katsumi wished there was some way to talk to him. Being at the festival by himself must have been lonely. Especially if he's the lost prince of Akatsuki, being in the enemy land that took everything away from him. He must have felt so alone.

Letting out a sigh, Katsumi heard a knock on the other side of the bedroom door. "Come in."

The door slid opened, revealing it to be the faerie prince. Prancing over towards the table, he placed the tea tray down, grabbing the kettle handle to pour some tea. "Today's special is Jasmine tea. Be very careful, it's piping hot. Like you, little lady." He winked charismatically, smiling flirtatiously afterwards.

Blushing bright red, Katsumi grabbed a hold of the tea cup. "You don't always have to compliment me when you serve tea..."

"But my compliments are true. They would go to waste if I didn't tell you. I mean it from the bottom of my heart."

Sipping the tea, Katsumi lowered her eyes. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but... I'm really nothing special to be constantly complimented like this."

Her words wounded his heart. Kneeling down to meet her gaze, Tsubaki wore a worried look. "Little lady, you deserve all the compliments in the world. Why would you put yourself down like that?"

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