Chapter 7

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"Hikari," Tokoyami called out as we stepped out of the elevator. Every time he calls my name, his deep voice makes my heart flip a little. "Yes?" I responded with a closed eye smile. "It's just a thought, but if Bright Shine does happen to lose control, Dark shadow and I will help as much as we can to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Wow really? Thanks, Tokoyami. Usually, in the past, my dad would throw a big black blanket over me to cut the lights out when we were training." I replied I made sure my eyes remained closed and kept on smiling because the feeling from earlier had returned. It made my face heat up.

(small flashback to Hikari's dorm)

As Tokoyami handed me the first half of Soul Eater, our hands brushed. This sensation is new, I felt a shiver go done my spine and my heart feels funny. My legs began to feel weak, surprised by this new feeling I just close my eyes and smile. I turned around and shook the feeling and grabbed the other half of Soul Eater. "Here you go, can I ask you for a quick favor?" I asked after giving them to Tokoyami, completely forgetting the feeling.

(back to the present)

He seemed a little uneasy. "Did he? I suppose that's a way to make the light go away." He said and I nodded. "It was more fun when I was younger. Come on, let's get to the group." I said as walked a little ahead of him.

"Hey, Akarui!" Mina greeted as she hung her arm around my shoulder. "Hey, Mina!" I chuckled. "Hey Tokoyami, I'm glad to see you're able to come along." Mina had a teasing tone to her voice and you could almost hear her wiggling her eyebrows at you. "Evening Ashido, I told Hikari I would go if it was allowed. So, here I am," he says.

"Right, now that everyone is here, are we all ready?" Asked Momo, she had a rose gold colored purse that looked thick, damn. "YES!" we all replied, I've been waiting for this all day, plus I was really hungry. Mina dragged me to the front of the group. "I'll make sure you sit in the front row so you can experience everything!" she said excitedly. I agreed, not knowing what I was getting dragged into.

(later that evening. Tokoyami's POV)

As we arrive at the vendors, a wonderful aroma filled the streets. Sero and Kaminari where beside me while Hikari was ahead with Ashido and Hagakure, showing her how things work and whats going on.

I was brought back to reality when Sero spoke in a voice that only me and possibly Kaminari could hear. "So Tokoyami, it seems that you're taking a liking to Hikari. You sly bird." he teased, I was a little shocked but quickly recovered. "And what makes you think that Sero?" I said calmly as I closed my eyes, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Come on man, you've been looking at her ever since we left." Kaminari stated. I contemplated the situation a bit. "I told her if Bright Shine lost control, I'd help her. So it is natural to keep a watch on her."

Midoriya spoke up. "We would all do the same, Tokoyami." He smiled. "But I do have to admit, for someone who doesn't like bright things, you do seem to talk to her more than us recently." Midoriya rested his hand on his chin as he began muttering again.

I hitched my breath and my face felt a little warm and I spoke, "Well that may be true, but Mr. Aizawa made us partners, it's only natural that I'd have to get along with her, besides, she's generally a nice person and a great partner." I said crossing arms looking at the ground.

Kaminari spoke with a dirty tone and wiggled his eyebrows. "A great partner, you say? Maybe I can ask Mr. Aizawa to partner me up with Hikari next week." I glared at him. "Be gone..." He backed away with his hands up in a defensive motion. "Okay chill, I was only joking, she's yours." he then pulled his phone and started texting.

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