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Every morning, I wake in my dark shaded room and get up and slowly open my blinds, for I have to take in the light slowly for my quirk.

"Just take the light slowly like usual." As I say when I opened my turquoise cat eyes slowly to adjust the light of outside. "I feel it, today is where they will finally let me go to UA high."

I've been homeschooled so far, my parents are too afraid that my quirk might hurt someone. They were going to let me go after they watched the festival after seeing some other people with quirks that were possibly stronger than mine. I never get to watch though, they didn't want me to get more inspired than I already am. They are a little protective over me. They instantly decided not to send me once they watched the news about the league of villains attack on the students during their summer camp. I don't know what class it was, but I hope they are alright.

I opened my door to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. I see my mom who has a cat quirk making breakfast and dad who has a light quirk that lets him shines light through his fingertips, he quick eats his breakfast.

"Good morning mom, mornin' dad!" I said. 

"Mornin' Akarui. I'll see in the shop!" as he finishes his last bite, he then books out the door. I shrug as this is nothing new.

"Morning dear," mom says as she brings me my plate of bacon and eggs. I pick up a piece of bacon and take a bite. 

"Hey, mom?" 'here we go.' I mentally prepare for whatever outcome. I look at the color of her light to see her emotions, in my eyes, everyone has a light. She was giving off a pink light as in happiness. 

"No, you know your answer already." She said while her light changed yellow but still pink, fear but still happy. My eyes turn Lavender, full of passion. "I know one of these days you and dad will change your minds." I start scarfing down my breakfast. 

"I know you're passionate about being a hero, Akarui. Your dad and I both do, but with All Might around, you don't need to worry about being a hero." after hearing that for the millionth time, I still feel sad. "I think your better off living a normal li-" this time I cut her off, I kind of had enough of the same speech. 

"I am going to live a normal life, as a hero. Cause one day the world will need heroes with quirks like mine. Even dad even agrees." I stated as my eyes turn from a passionate lavender to dark yellow bravery for finally telling mom how I felt. Her light changed straight to violet in anger. 

"You know what, when that day comes, then you can become a hero, but for now you will live here as a normal person!" 

"Fine by me! hopefully, that day is today! I can't wait to go to a real school instead of being a dark room all day!" my eyes turn purple in rage, as her light turns into a light yellow, cowardice. 'good, I hate yelling at you but its the only way to get my point through to you.' She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I got up and went back to my room to change into my uniform.

Wow Akarui, it's about time you told her. 'you know I hope I never had to do that.' but you needed too. 'I know, she don't know how much of my free time I put in to become more of a team with you.' Agreed.

I slip on my work uniform, I look around my dark room. Wishing I can see freedom as much see these dark walls. I put on a pair of sunglasses, making everything much darker so I can fully endure sun shined through the windows hitting my colorful walls of color. looking out to the window to the beautiful blue sky. 

"The is world is bursting in light and color again today!" I grab my little purse and headed back downstairs. I was heading for the door, I peeped in the kitchen, mom now cleaning dishes. I activating my quirk to check on her. her light is now grey, which meant confusion. Just give her time to think Akarui, she'll come around. 'yah' quietly making way back to the front door. 

Conveniently, the store is just a block away from our home. I open the doors to the store that we run. "There's my little hard worker!" My father shouts from the counter. I smiled brightly "Hey dad, anything else that needs to be set up before we open?"

Hours passed by, soon before I knew it, it was 4 o'clock in the evening. It was 3 hours before we started closing for today. I spent the next hour comic books about heroes, the only thing that drives my dream of being a hero.

"Hey, Akarui?" I heard father calling me. "Yes, dad?" I replied not taking my eyes off the comic book I was reading,  it was a new issue on All Might when he saves a boy from a sludge villain. "It's time to start tidying up the store." I mentally sigh, and reluctantly out away the new issue. "Okay," I replied, starting to tidying the shelves, put stuff where the originally belonged. "I'll get that one if you want." I smiled at him, "Thanks dad."

30 minutes later, I started cleaning the floors, as dad was wiping the counters and windows. An hour later we just sit a wait, for customers. A few came in, and now it was closing time. The sun setting through the glass. I cleaned the floor again, as dad changed the open sign, to close. He turned to me as I finished. "Ready to train?" I smiled at him. "yes."

The basement of the store was a little training area with a bunch of lights so I can sustain the light, getting used to it so I can walk in the real world without going berserk, without my shades, which I can to an extent. Dad opened the door but then he got a text from mom telling him and me to come home. I looked at him "training can wait." I told him.

We got on dads scooter and drove home. We barged into the house, to see mom crying and pointing at the TV. This was the first time she told me to watch the news. It was a villain fighting... All Might? I turned to mom "m-mom, is that?" she nodded. A pain of guilt hit my heart, as I felt responsible, I didn't think in a million years that what I had said this morning would be a reality. "no, All Might must win. Come on, All Might! Fight! Win!" I shouted at the TV. I could hear our neighbors doing the same. My eyes turned a rose color for compassion, my dads light did the same but my moms were yellow. I turned back to the screen. It seems that All Might was going to be giving all he got. And just like that, one hit knockout, the villain was down.

I started to tear up now, my eyes turn pink in happiness. I ran and hugged my parents. We cried together, but I saw the TV one last screen of All Might. I got their attention, and this was what got mom to say yes. All Might look away from the camera, but point at, like if he was pointing at me. And he says such a simple sentence that seemed to get everyone at least teared up. "Next, it's your turn." 

Our turn is now, Akarui.


Author Notes: Hello fellow readers, Mcgamezie here. This is my first published fanfic, normally I start fanfic and never return to it, then it lays in the deep depth of my laptop. BUT, I'm determined to at least somewhat finish this one. Considering that I am going with the flow with Boku no hero academia itself. Hopefully, my grammar ain't too bad since I'm using Grammarly XD Who knows possible Q&A in the late future. But until next chapter, thank you for reading my fanfic.

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