9- water

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Believes body seems to have fallen into shock. There is movement beneath her skin, as if her bones are breaking. A ripping sound fills the room as a head tears out of Believes swollen body. Slowly and painfully a neck followed by, shoulders and a torso appears. Cracks and wheezing are the sound echoed in the cave. The second body turns sideways dropping to the ground with a thud.

Believes body on the platform seems unchanged. It holds not proof of the event ever happening.

The body on the floor is on its knee and hands coughing and wheezing for air. The sound is painful and unbearable to listen to. The body is a little bit transparent but as it continues struggling for air it gains more solidity. It is obvious at this point the body is of a female. She is naked and covered in a slime looking substance similar to that of a new born.

The other guardian and I wait anxiously for her to be calm. After a while of listening to her painful wails she attempts to stand. Her feet wobble before she hits the ground hard with her knees. I quickly rush to her side startling her. Her head snapped to me so fast I was caught off guard by what I saw.

She is Believe but not at the same time. She has lost all her scars and her skin is clear of all imperfections. Her eyes aren't the dark brown they always were, now they are a light shade of brown with golden specks that are constantly moving. Her lips have a dark outline and get lighter as they centre to her mouth. Her eye brows are fuller and her lashes are longer. Her body is a little bit more toned and muscular compare to her original body. Her hair is darker and thicker with a strip of gold in front from the roots throughout.


My lungs feel as though they were stuck together and every breath I take rips them bit by bit apart. i stop coughing and struggling for air when something moves behind me. Startled I turn to see it is as well as move back for protection. It's Lazarus. He seems shocked. He stares at me for a minute then pulls me into an embrace.

I feel different. It feels like I have woken up to a day after losing everything, yet to a life where I have everything, as if I was addicted to a toxic lifestyle of clouded judgement and mindset. My body feels like it has woken up from a restless sleep.

Lazarus holds me tightly in his arms and the aching in my body decreases. After a minute I push him gently of me and take in my surrounding. I look at the stone platform and notice the body with cut all over it. The longer I stare at it the more I see the similarity it has to me.

My ears pop allowing me to hear the lighting, waves, Lazarus and another woman's voice. As fast as my hearing comes everything goes muffled from shock.

How? How is this possible? I'm here but I'm there.

My heart begins to beat rapidly. My knees buckle. Before I hit the ground Lazarus is already picking me up.

"Why the hell is my body there looking like that while I'm here Lazarus?"I scream.

"I .." I begin to laugh. " I'm going crazy"

" You are not Believe" Lazarus responds

"I have finally lost my mind" I continues between laughter.

Believe stops laughing abruptly and her eyes seem to lose focus. Lazarus gently shakes her attempting to get her to step out of her trance like state, but one look into her eyes he know he should stop. Her irises are cloudy which is a very rare as even the most powerful beings don't often have the gift of hearing the pure voices.
Once the storm outside calms and the wave stops fighting for passage way, she stands up and clumsily walks out of the cave with the two people following behind her. Bear of anything clothing in the chilly night Believes feels no cool. Well at least that's how she feels in her mind.

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