It seems like he finally saw the picture, because 15 minutes later I ran down the headquarters halls to the conference room. I had called Brent, Jayden and Justin from the car.

"It has started." I said, the second I entered the door. Justin nodded, he looked like a mess. Well that might be because this whole situation is a mess.

"Where are the girls?" Jayden asked. I took a deep breath.

"Gone, but we will find them. One thing I learned during my time with James is that he is for 1) Stupid and 2) Loves games. He has Eve, Em an Cece along with Ty, hidden somewhere. He will send me texts and clues for us to find them. He'll give us a dead line and if we don't make it he'll probably blow them up." I shivered at the thought. He used to do this to Tyler every time I tried to leave him or break up with him.

Brent, Jayden and Chase just looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

"What should we do?" Brent finally asked.

From: Unknown

To: Me

Remember where it all started, dear.

A little birdy told me you've done everything to forget.

Maybe it's time to open old wounds.

I looked down on the sacrs on my wrist. Justin apparently saw this, because seconds later his hands were covering the scars.

"Don't even think about it." He said through gritted teeth. I looked down on his hands holding onto my wrist, and nodded.

"Were it all started? Where what started?" Jayden asked, giving me my phone back.

"I don't know. Let me just think." I pried Justin's hands of me and sat down onto a chair.

It could be the place where he locked me up for the first time, but that's too easy. Think, Aria, think!

"Aria, honey. Let's go to the place." I looked up at Justin with horror. There is one place I've refused to go back to since James. I hurriedly stood up.

"No! No fucking way! There is no fucking way in hell I'm going back there!" I shouted, a familiar wave of panic came over me. By instinct my hands started pulling my hair.

I don't know how I got to the floor, but somebody lifted me of the cold floor, placing me on their lap. Carefully I removed my hands from my hair and opened my eyes. Chase looked worriedly at me, his hands on each side of my face.

"What did he do to you?" He asked. I shook my head and stood up once again.

"James loves to torture me, which is why he knew I would break down at the thought of going back there. So let's go." I brushed my fingers through my hair and started walking to the exit.

"Justin you go with Chase, Jayden and Brent, come with me." I heard Jayden and Brent say some encouraging words to their brother before following me out.

I know it sounds bad. That I'm so scared of a place. But I met James when I was 13, young I know. He was like a drug I couldn't get enough of. When he wasn't around I couldn't function. I would be unable to even leave my bed. I needed him by my side for the simplest things. I thought I was in love. But that is not love.

Jayden and Brent has been trying to get me to talk, but I can't. I want to, but I can't.

I looked at the ruins of the place. It was burned to the ground, as a result to the girls and Justin helping me back to my feet a few years back.

I kicked a burnt tray. It was covered in ash, but you could tell it used to be silver.


"Hey there. And who are you?" I turned around, causing me to bump right into someone's chest. I looked up to see a boy. He had grey eyes, which somehow glowed in the dark.

Sweating bodies pushed me closer and closer to the stranger. The music blasting through the speakers made my body want to move. But every time I tried to move, the stranger followed.

"Eh... I'm Arianna." I said, my breath hitching in my throat. The stranger roamed his eyes up and down my body.

Suddenly the stranger lowered his face closer to my neck.

"Mm. Anna, that's a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." With that, he placed a kiss onto my jaw.

(Flashback over)

I rubbed my temples, I don't want to remember.

"Aria, are you okay?" Justin's sudden appearance caused me to jump a bit.

The others worried looks burned on the back of my head.

"Yes." I pushed out. It sounded strange, like it wasn't me talking.

"Okay, spread out and look for signs that Cece is here." Justin said, the others nodded, but I just started looking around.

I walked around, trying to find the exact place where it started. I remember standing close to the bar. It should still be here since it was one of the only things made of steel.

Just like I thought, it was still here. I ran up to it, but stopped when my phone buzzed.

From: Unknown

To: Me

I see you got a trail. I know its 16 hours left until the dead line. How do you feel about making that a 6 minutes instead?

"Guys! Come here!" I shouted before I could stop myself. A thud from the steel bar caused me to freeze. Oh, no!

I heard Brent, Jayden, Chase and Justin arrive. But I was too caught up by searching for a way to get Cece out.

I stopped when I accidently knocked on one of the sides. It sounded hollow. Without thinking I picked up a rock and threw it with all my force, which wasn't a lot right now. The rock barely made a scratch. I picked up another one and was just about to throw it when someone caught my hand.

"Aria, let us do it." Jayden said, taking the rock out of my hand.

I nodded and walked over to Brent who wrapped his arms around me.

"You.. Y-ou have to hurry! He changed it.. it to 6 minutes. It's been three." I stuttered out. I can't remember anything else, I must have fainted. The last thing I remember was Chase carrying me, and Brent helping Cece into the car.

I know I said I'd update yesterday, I know! But here it is. I'm starting to finish this story, don't worry though! There will be around five chapters left. The updates might slow down even more. (If that's even possible) I will be trying to make the chapters really long, preferably even longer than this, so it'll take time. I'll do my best to update once a week though. Hope you liked this chapter.

(Ps. I dedicate this to TildaLf (Who is portrayed as Eve ) for being a great friend and pushing me to update even though writers block. Thanks dude!)

Goodbye my fellow pandas!

- Panda_Bacon

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