Chapter 1

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Third P.O.V

America woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. It was time for another day of school. He got up, got dressed, and put on the custom ushanka Russia made for him on their most recent anniversary which was a month ago.

At first, America almost never wore it. He didn't think it suited him. But now, that ushanka carried a whole different meaning. Russia wore an ushanka everyday, and wearing the same type of hat as him made America feel closer to him.

America walked downstairs to the kitchen where Canada had a piece of toast in his hand. It wasn't unusual for Canada to wake up first.

Canada frowned upon seeing what America was wearing. "Why are you wearing that hat? I know it's only been a week, but holding on won't do you any good."

America simply smiled, "It reminds me of him a lot. Besides, it's pretty comfy. And he couldn't leave me just like that, he's probably just mad about something and then when that's resolved we'll get back together."

"You saw his face and you heard the tone of his voice. I did too. He meant what he said." Canada folded his arms. America laughed, "Don't be silly, Maple. There's no way our relationship was all fake."

Seeing the disapproval of Canada's face, America added, "He just needs some time to cool off from something. We'll get back together soon, you'll see."

Canada was about to say more but instead sighed in defeat. He knew his brother too well, he wouldn't even listen to his parents. He needed to hear it from Russia himself.

But that was going to be difficult. He and America had very few classes with Russia, and even with those which they were together, Russia would always rush out into the crowd before they could catch up to him. In summary, Russia was doing everything he could to avoid them.

The two of them soon headed to school afterwards. Along the way, a few people gave America looks of pity. How could they not? He had cried so much that day, and just by seeing he is wearing a similar hat to his ex's proves that he isn't willing to let go.

Or rather, he can't let go.

America, looking uncomfortable, turned to Canada. "Why do people keep glancing at me like that?" He asked. Canada pursed his lips and looked at America's hat. America huffed in response, "Just wait. Everything will be back to normal eventually."

They walked into the school and went their separate ways since they did have different classes.

America looked around him as he walked, looking for a certain person with a white, blue and red flag. He had wanted to talk to him for the past seven days.

In the end, he didn't spot him, at least not this time. America sighed in disappointed and dragged his feet into his class. He couldn't quite focus on the lesson either when it started, not when something else was on his mind.

It seemed like forever before it was time for the next class. In most people's opinion, this was just the day moving forward, a sign that they were ever so close to being dismissed so they could go home and relax all they wanted. But not for America. To America, this was another chance to get answers.

He looked up slightly and scanned the crowd for Russia while he walked to the next class. It wouldn't be difficult to spot him since he was taller than most students.

It didn't take long for America to spot a tall country wearing an ushanka. Excluding himself, Russia was the only country who wore that hat.

As soon as he saw Russia, he exclaimed, "Rus!" Although it mostly blended in with the loud chatter throughout the hallway, Russia was able to hear it. He was also able to tell whose voice it belonged to, one that he knew too well.

Russia pushed through the crowd, ignoring the groans and complaints from people around him.

He was getting away.

America began to panic, he was losing his chance. "No, wait!" He called out but Russia turned a deaf ear to what he had said.

America wanted to push through the crowd too but he accidentally tripped on his shoelace and fell to the floor, slowing him down. People noticed and the first hand to reach out to help him was red.

Although he knew it was impossible since Russia had already gotten away, America hoped it was him. Maybe he had come back for him.

He took the hand and got helped up. To his disappointment, it wasn't who he had been longing for. "America, what are you doing?" Asked his good friend, Philippines.

America ignored her questioned and began looking again, but this time, he couldn't spot Russia anywhere. He sighed in defeat. "I lost him again..."

It didn't take long for Philippines to realise what America meant. This wasn't the first time America had tried chasing Russia down. In the end, it would always have the same result. Russia would somehow avoid him and America would try again once he catches sight of him.

Philippines felt sorry for America, he really didn't want to let go. "I know it's hard to accept the truth, but he doesn't want you. It's his loss for breaking up with such a great person, so don't be downcast over it. That jerk doesn't deserve you."

Those words didn't affect America only because he didn't believe they were true. "Don't call him that! And that's false. He still wants me and hasn't broken up with me, he just needs time. He'll come back, just you wait."

Philippines wasn't sure what to do in this situation. America was stubborn, but if she was too harsh, he would probably break down. She saw how America cried that day, and if he hadn't accepted the truth then, how would he react once he had?

After thinking for a short while, Philippines thought that America would eventually accept the truth. It would have to hit him eventually. He couldn't live his entire life lying to himself.

She decided to end the conversation. "Anyways, we both have to go to class. See ya!" She waved and walked away. America smiled and waved back before walking to his own class.

He thought as he walked. What had he done wrong? He didn't remember saying anything wrong. He didn't remember doing anything wrong. Was it because he was too childish? But Russia said he liked that about him. Was he too selfish? But Russia said he didn't mind sharing.

This didn't make sense, but there was no way their entire relationship was a lie. They were so happy together, there had to be feelings. Just by being at each other's side made them feel like they were on cloud nine.

Or at least, that is what America thought.

'I lied. I had no feelings for you from the very start.', those wore the words that hurt America's little heart the most. Thinking about it makes him want to run away to somewhere quiet and cry until he was dehydrated.

He quickly shook himself out of his thoughts. Like he had told himself a couple thousand times, there was no way that was possible. Not after everything they've been through.

Russia would walk up to him one day, tell him that he had gotten over whatever he was upset about and they would be together again.

He just had to wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

This chapter sucks lmao

What the fricc I don't deserve this

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What the fricc I don't deserve this

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