“Oi! Lavi! What are you spacing out for? You’re pulling out the flowers!” Eliza frantically rushed over to where Lavi was, and grabbed his hand before he pulled out the 5th flower.

She sighed and looked over at the pile of poor flowers that had been ripped gently from the soil.

“We could actually re-plant those, seeing as though you didn’t kill them thoroughly enough.” Eliza commented.

There was no response from Lavi. She looked down, but the second she did so, she was pulled in by the hand. She felt on top of Lavi, who held onto her, hugging her with his steel like strength.

“Wait what are you doing?!” Eliza exclaimed.

“….sorry, can’t help it anymore.” Eliza could hear Lavi’s breath against her ear. He hugged her tighter.

“…can’t help what?” Eliza’s cheeks dusted a baby pink.

There was a silence, which was semi-awkward with their positioning. Eliza could feel her heartbeat against Lavi’s, which started to pump faster the longer she stayed in the spot.

“I just wanted to hug you.” Lavi said in his calmest voice.

Eliza was going to question him why, but she enjoyed the hug.

She of all people, liked the hug. Which she was forcibly pulled into.

She mentally cursed herself. She felt that she was going crazy. What was happening to her?

Cheekily, Lavi took the silence to quickly peck her on the cheek, showing a stupid grin afterwards as he was pushed away (but still within arm distance) from the girl.

“Wha-wha-what was that for?!” Eliza stuttered, unable to hide her red cheeks any longer.

“You were so cute, that I just had to.” The natural red head held onto the woman with an iron grip, keeping his prey.

“What the—” She wasn’t used to this. She didn’t know how to respond. How to act.

“Eliza.” Lavi said her name.

“Hah? What?” She stared at him.

“Uh…” He met her eyes and looked away bashfully, unable to make eye contact any longer.

Eliza didn’t get what was going on.

What the hell?



“Eliza, I—”

“HE WANTS YOU TO LOVE HIM!” A fake imitation of a woman’s voice was heard from the outside of the garden.

Lavi’s face heated up to a red tomato, and the 2 exorcists quickly looked the way where the voice came from.

“…………” The 2 were silent.

“…was that Komui?” Eliza asked, dumbfounded.


Yup…definitely Komui. Lavi and Eliza deadpanned.

“….Lavi. Why are you looking away?” Eliza demanded.

There was no response. Eliza’s eye twitched and she grabbed the sides of his face and twisted it around just a little so that he was facing her.

“I don’t know how to say this! But you’re my friend, so you should understand!” Eliza declared.

Lavi’s green eyes stared at her widely, shocked by the intimacy. They were literally 10cm away from each other.

“I don’t get this myself. I really don’t. So explain it to me! Why was I blushing?! What was I blushing for? I don’t get it! My heart also beats really fast too! And you did this with your stupid little game while we were supposed to be working!!” Eliza pulled his cheeks out and stretched them as she told him, pouting her lips as she didn’t understand what she was feeling.

She let go of his cheeks, letting them slap back into shape. Lavi was stupid looking, as usual, staring at her with the most incredulous expression.

“WOOHOOO!!! HELL YEAH!” This time it was Allen’s voice.

“Hah? Allen?” Eliza questioned, looking to the side.

Lavi was so shocked. Was that a confession? He didn’t even understand the words that were meant for him just now. Like, what?

“WOOHOOOOO!” She heard another’s voice, which was feminine, to probably be Lenalee’s.

She became sceptical that they were there coincidently. She was about to get off Lavi, but she couldn’t, as he had hugged her once again, hiding his face.

“Lavi, let go!” She tried to pry him off.

“Let me stay like this for a while longer…” He murmured.

“AWWWW THAT’S SO SWEET!” Allen chimed in, stifling giggles.



“Komui, stop crying.” Kanda raised an eyebrow as he saw the Chief walking down the hallway with a puffy face.

“B-b-b-but my daughter’s gone with the bookman…they’ve finally gotten together!” He sobbed and screaming, sending shivers down the swordsman’s spine.

“She’s not your daughter, brother…” Lenalee appeared beside the Chief and walked with him.

“B-b-but…WAHHHHH!!!” He began to cry again.

Kanda stared after them with confusion.

What have these people been doing?!


A/n - Thanks to everybody that has supported this~~ It's finally finished after much procrastination and ceebsness!! I don't even want to know how much I changed it towards the end....I think the story doesn't make too much sense anymore, ahahah! 

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