Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"How are we going to get to the Order?" Eliza asked curiously, wanting to know how. The way that they had talked about the Order and how to get there when she was 'sleeping' sounded pretty complicated. They said that they had to take twists and turns, and that it would take them a while. Eliza thought, surely it wasn't that complicated and hard just to get to one place, right?

She thought wrong.

On the morning that she had woken up, Lavi and the old man, whose name was Bookman, who she heard the name of just before, when he was on the phone, had immediately told her to get dressed and said that they were leaving. She had already noticed that they were already dressed and were ready to go. They were just waiting for her. She hurried up dressing herself, and soon enough, they were on their train ride back to the Order.

Actually, not really...

"How to get to the Order?" Lavi questioned, tilting his head to the side. He stared at her with his curious green eyes, wondering why she would want to know that. But, a thought did pass his mind that Eliza must've been nervous about going there? He placed a hand on her shoulder and grinned. "Don't be nervous, Eliza-chan! We'll protect you!"

In less than a second, Lavi was on the ground, his cheek having a clearly defined fist in it. Eliza towered over him, fury blazing in her own shade of green eyes. She held up her clenched fist, the fire burning lively around it. 

"Who's nervous?! Who needs protecting?!" She glowered, glaring down threateningly at Lavi.

He laughed nervously, rubbing his stinging cheek with a fist mark, as he stood back up, brushing himself off in the process. He never saw that coming.

“So, how do we get to the Order?” Eliza asked, her voice sweet and innocent. She was back to ‘normal’ but she didn’t forget about that little incident with Lavi. She just wanted to pass the moment and seem like it never happened.

This time, it was Bookman that answered. “We get there by train.”

“Train?” She asked, puzzled. That was quite simple. She recalled that they discussed it being a long journey with many tips and turns. Just like how the food gets all stirred around in a Chinese style stir fry.

“Don’t listen to him, Eliza-chan! He’s a panda!” Lavi grinned. Eliza raised an eyebrow. Lavi continued, adjusting his bandanna a bit, but Bookman hit him ferociously from the side, kicking him in the face. Lavi yelped before he put a hand on the same cheek that was both kicked and punched in. He whipped around to face Bookman, a frown on his face and fake tears coming from his green eyes. “What was that for, old man?!” He whined. Bookman merely turned away to face the opposite direction. Lavi frowned but turned around to face Eliza, his hand still rubbing the sore spot on his cheek. “Well, Eliza-chan, it doesn’t just take train to get there. This is the process to get to the Order from here: First we take the train, then the boat. Afterwards, we take a carriage then take a train again, then switch trains and take a boat. After the boat we have another train to catch and after that, we reach a boat that has to be rowed under some underwater tunnel that leads to the underwater tunnels of the Black Order. There, we walk. It’s quite the journey, actually.” Lavi finished, explaining it in a clear and definite voice.

Eliza merely stood still, green eyes slightly wide with eyebrows raised.

“Oh, joy…” She muttered.


“…and this is the final destination, the Black Order Headquarters!” Lavi said grandly, grinning as he quickened his pace. Bookman was in front of them, walking quite fast. Eliza never knew old men walked fast. She always thought they walked nice and slow, enjoying the peace. It seemed it was quite the opposite.

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