Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

“So, uhm…” Lavi began to talk, but ultimately shut up. The atmosphere was tense and awkward, especially between Alyster and Eliza. Lavi was just there. If they were still lovers, he’d be the third wheeler.

The three of them, Alyster, Eliza and Lavi were on the boat in the underground passage under the Order, getting out so that they can go to the outskirts where they won’t be spotted for using the Ark.

“…so why are you helping us?” Lavi questioned. He was confused as why an enemy – someone who tried to kill him, and an akuma no less – would be helping them. Did they finally have a sense of justice?

“Even if I did state my reason, would you believe me?” Alyster scanned Lavi up and down like a laser.

Lavi mumbled a few words that were inaudible, but shook his head, “I don’t know.”

Alyster sighed, “It’s up to you guys to believe me or not. But my reason is this – The Earl was planning to kill you, Eliza, because you hold the power to destroy the akuma factory in the Ark.” The akuma stared at Eliza.

Her eyes showed confusion and disbelief. Her laughter could be heard all around the underground passage, bouncing off the walls until the sound was gone.

“Oh my…” She wiped a tear, “That’s probably the best joke I’ve heard all day!”

“I’m serious.” His voice was dead serious indeed. Eliza stopped laughing and furrowed her brows, immediately losing all humour.

“What do you mean, you’re serious?”

“What do you think I mean, Eliza? Have you noticed that, since you’ve entered the Order, more places have been attacked but with higher level akuma?” Alyster’s voice was low and venomous.

Eliza cocked a brow, “It was?” She said dumbly.

Lavi thought for a moment. He went back through his memories, thinking about all the missions they’ve been on before Eliza came and the missions after she came. Alyster was right; there was more akuma, and a higher level as well. So it was somehow connected then?

“Yes, that’s true.” Lavi nodded, confirming what the akuma had said.

“So now you know what that means, Eliza.” Alyster said lowly, “Are you sure that he doesn’t want to kill you?”

“Wait, wait, wait…WHAT?” Eliza snapped back to reality.

Lavi sweat-dropped, “He just said it…weren’t you listening? He even repeated…”

“Yeah, yeah, Reddy, I heard it alright. But I thought he was joking.” Eliza crossed her arms and sighed.

“I’m definitely not joking.” Alyster furrowed his perfect (and ladylike) eyebrows.

The moonlight shone on them after they exited the underground facility of the Order. All getting off, the Finder that got them there gave a brief wave before leaving back in the Order.

Silently, the akuma lifted his arm and in front of them, a dark light started to form a 2D like structure. Once completed, Alyster walked in, beckoning the others to follow. Eliza and Lavi exchanged looks and nodded, following after the first.

Inside was white. Very white. The buildings were all beautiful and seemed to be carved out of the best and purest material, almost like the perfect clay structure. Except it probably wasn’t clay. Eliza’s green eyes darted around with speed, taking in every one of her surroundings.

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