Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Over by the walls, Allen and Eliza raised an eyebrow in question of what the red headed man was doing.

“Is there something wrong with him?” Allen asked, pointing to Lavi.

“I thought there was always something wrong with him…” Eliza pressed her fingers against her forehead, sighing in annoyance.

“So is that why he’s like a machine, hitting his head on the wall without stopping?” The white haired exorcist asked.

“Uh huh. He’s kind of stupid. Let’s leave him that way.” Eliza turned around and strutted off, not caring at all about Lavi’s situation, “Come on, Allen!”


“I was so ANGRY!” Arcana growled, crossing her arms. Her anger was really evident, and one could almost see the smoke coming out of her mouth, like an angry dragon.

‘Because the Earl said that?’ Alyster questioned.

“Well, what else?! Stupid shit…”

‘At least he didn’t kill you.’ Alyster mumbled.

“What was that?”

‘Nothing, nothing.’

Knock, knock, knock…

There was a knock on the door, catching the attention of the female, “What?”

“The Earl told me to tell you that you’ve got another mission. He says that you need to go with Hunter to your origin and find an object.”

“Eh? I just came back from a mission though.”

“He says it’s urgent.”

“Psh. Fine. Whatever. I’ll go see him now.” Arcana stood up and pushed the door open, finding that the messenger had already disappeared.


“Hey, Earl, why’re you so happy right now?” Road asked, jumping onto the back of the head of the Noah.

“Haha! I’m nearly at my goal!” His teeth shone brightly.

“Which goal is this one?” The petite female popped a candy drop into her mouth.

“Double A.”

“Ooh!  That one!” Road licked her lips. “It’s sure taken a long time, huh?”

“Yes…I’ll soon have that acquired power…very soon.” An eagle flew to his side, landing on top of his head. It cawed. “Hunter. Soon you’ll go on a mission with Arcana and Alyster! Aren’t you happy?”

The eagle cawed yet again.


Making her way to the Earl’s room, Alyster wondered what the Earl wanted them to get. He thought long and hard, scanning through the imprinted picture of his work space in his head.

The Earl came just before Eliza dealt the killing blow. Why was he there?’

His mind wandered, thinking back to the time just before he was killed – those memories were so fresh, so real, imprinted into his very head, but he couldn’t remember what happened after Eliza stabbed him.


Alyster was sitting at his desk, his slightly longer brown hair covering the sides of his face as he was focused on his research. He was writing really fast, dipping his ink in quickly before using it all away. He was so close to finishing.

His blue eyes looked around quickly, feeling as if there was another presence with him in the room. But, he paid no heed to that and continued on. He only needed a few more lines then he would be done.

“Are you done yet?” A deep, comical voice spoke.

Surprised by the sudden loudness of another’s voice, he spun around and came face to face with a large man, with a huge belly, humungous teeth and weird inhuman eyes, along with a hat decorated with the bones of the deceased.

He felt frightened, feeling it to his very bones. For some reason, he felt as if something really bad was going to happen. Cold sweat was already trickling down the side of his face and his palms were sweating.

“Who are you?” He demanded to know.

How could someone go into his house so quietly, so easily? This man was something else.

“Alyster dear, I’ve been watching you for a while now.”

“I asked: Who are you?” The brown haired young adult repeated, narrowing his eyes slightly.

“I am the Millennium Earl. You have something I want.”


“Yes. Those research notes.”


“I want your research notes. Hand them over.”


“I’ll ask you one last time. Give me those research notes.”

“I said no!”

“You leave me no choice.” The Millennium Earl clicked his fingers together and there was a stepping noise coming from behind the big body.

When he could see the person’s face, Alyster’s eyes widened with astonishment, at the person holding a knife straight at him, hands shaking, green eyes wide with fear.

“Eliza, dear…why don’t you go take a stab at him?”

He couldn’t do anything, as the girl went towards him with the knife.


“You’ve been real quiet.”Arcana spoke to Alyster.

Alyster was a bit surprised when his sister spoke to him. ‘Eh? What’s wrong?’

“…nothing, nothing.” Arcana narrowed her eyes. Something was up.

Best not to talk about it.


‘I don’t know what happened after I was stabbed. What happened?’ Alyster thought long and hard, shielding his thoughts from his sister.

‘Why can’t I remember them?’


“Ah. You’ve come. Arcana. Alyster. I’ve got a job for you.” The Millennium Earl spoke upon seeing them enter through the grand entrance of the room. Road slid behind the master, hiding from the newcomer.

“What do you want?”

“Now now, don’t sound so mean to your daddy!” The Earl joked.

“…What the hell…?” Arcana rolled her eyes and asked again, “What do you want?”

“I need you two to go to your village and seek out Alyster’s research notes.”

Alyster’s ears perked as he heard the words.

‘My research notes!’

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