Chapter 5: Happily ever after

Start from the beginning

He heard his friend sight. "Don't forget, we have the counselors' meeting at eight, after dinner."

Turned out neither Percy nor Annabeth went to eat. Now, for Annabeth, that could happen; she sometimes worked and didn't notice the hours ticking by. But Percy? Percy was never late for lunch. Never.

Leo said he would go see if everything was all right. He found that Percy hadn't moved since Jason came, he just stared at the ocean, which was much more violent than usual, the waves crashing to the shore.

"Percy?" Leo tried. "There's the counselor meeting at eight. It's in," he checked his watch he had constructed himself, "two minutes."

After a lot of persuasions and a bit of dragging through the camp, Percy arrived at the meeting. He sat in his chair, which was facing Annabeth's. He looked towards his wife, who was staring at the wall next to him as if it was the most interesting thing in the galaxy. He kind of agreed with her if it meant that their eyes would not meet.

He tried to stay for a long time, but he soon found out he didn't listen to a thing they said. It was no use. He got up loudly and suddenly, all eyes were on him.

"I'm sorry, I just can't. I'm calling sick." he stormed from the from without turning around, slamming the door violently as he passed it. All the counselors, Chiron and M. D looked at Annabeth, who had obviously paled but was still staring at the wall.

"Annabeth, care to enlighten us?" Chiron asked the daughter of Athena.

She ignored him completely and kept to her close inspection of the blank wall. The meeting was tense and without Percy's humor, uneventful.

Even when Chiron suggested a 'Capture the Flag' game for when the Hunters of Artemis came, nobody said anything, they just nodded. The reunion was dismissed, Annabeth went to sleep in the Athena cabin for the first time in almost four years.

The next morning, both Percy and Annabeth came to breakfast looking exhausted. Both had tossed and turned in his bed, not getting any hour of sleep. Jason sat next to Percy. "Perce, you need to talk to her. This cannot go on. You have to talk this out, or it'll never get better."

"Maybe I don't want this to get better? Maybe I don't want to think about it?" Percy growled though both he and Jason knew he didn't mean a word of it.

On Athena's table, Piper was doing the same with Annabeth.

"Please Annabeth, think about it." Her friend pleaded, trying to use a few of her persuasion skills.

"No," Annabeth answered coldly, not even turning her head to look at her.

"Please, only a few minutes. Please?" Piper practically begged.

After what seemed to Annabeth hours of imploring, but that was, in fact, a few minutes, she gave in. Having finished eating, she got up, walked towards the Big Three's Table with all eyes except Percy's on her.

"Percy, can we talk?" No answer. Percy was still staring in front of him. Slowly, he seemed to realize that someone had talked to him. As soon as he saw Annabeth, his eyes turned angry, even furious, but was that a bit of regret in his eyes?

"Sure." He got up and followed her and they ended up sitting next to the lake.

"Percy." No answer. "Percy!" Still no answer. "PERCY!" Annabeth nearly yelled.

He looked at her, his eyes full of contained anger. "Yes, Annabeth? What is it? Did you finally decide to tell your husband what has been troubling you for the last month's weeks?"

"No." she snapped, without really thinking. He got up abruptly.

"See what I mean?" he sighed, running his hand in his already messy hair like he always did whenever he was frustrated. "You don't even tell me what it is. Don't you trust me?"

Annabeth's tone softened. "Percy, it isn't that I trust you. It's just ... it's complicated."

"Is it? Just tell me Annabeth. Please?" He looked at her with his baby seal eyes.

"Don't you dare do that face! It's serious!" she warned.

He didn't answer, instead, his face closed even more.

"Fine!" she stayed silent a few seconds, her eyes getting lost on the lake's blue surface. She could hear Percy passing next to her. I'm pregnant." She let out. Percy froze and sat instantly next to her.

"What was that?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

"I'm pregnant. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. It's just, I didn't know how to tell you and—" Percy cut her off with a kiss that showed all his passion, his love, and his joy.

Cheers could be heard from all the campers, but Percy and Annabeth didn't care, they just stared at one another, a big smile plastered on their face.

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