I'm not satisfied by just hugging her, but for now, this is all I can do. I lean down to her ears, "After this, I'm not doing any missions or go anywhere away from you until you get better." She nods shyly.

I rub my cheek to her head, her breath unsteady.

"Ooh, you thought I was talkin about Jason, huh? Oops, we're taking about this guy..." Jeff then starts to talk about this man who is a really big problem and is annoying when they're attempting to free Clockwork and Rouge from prison.

Minutes later, Slender tells everyone to get out of the room and let me be with my precious cute little [ Y/N ]. He gave me permission to not go to any mission to be with [ Y/N ] because she was in no good condition and is in need for my presence, and because [ Y/N ] would already knew what problem I'd be having because she had been reading books about everything and we are also together and in his opinion—that reasoning of his was too long. Shortly, it's because we really crazily need each other and there's no other who can help us.

*Slenderman is currently disapproving*

I turn back and put my hands off [ Y/N ]'s back and pile 2 pillows up, and lay on them. [ Y/N ] lays on my body. I pull her up a little and rub her head as my other hand rubs circles on her back.

"I'm sorry... I should've made another wax doll like Allen, so that you would be safe and better after my... death. Preferably a girl, she can take care of you and she can look after your health, what you consume, and you happiness. She can be a friend to talk with–" "All I need is you." She cut me off.

Those were the only words i ever need from my chosen ones.

I hug her tightly as her fragile, sick, ill, tiny self slowly feel asleep. Her hands againts my chest, that is filled with the box she fixed. She fix me.

She fix me...


When I wake up, the scent of my favorite person greets me, along with his mysterious yet gorgeous voice.

"Evening, my beautiful, precious lady~" He whisper on my ear, then he kiss my neck. He then inhale my scent deeply as he give me a very tight hug. I'm still on the bed. He's behind me. It's cold, but his warmth had already filled my heart since long, and now it's back.

"Ee-eve-evening Jason..." I greet back, my voice barely a whisper. He rub my lips with his thumb, "Oh, the Eve for my Adam, after we walk outside for a bit, we'll be eating, drinking, and spend all time together, mhmm~?" he hums, asking am I agreeing with this or not. I nod, and he kiss the top of my head in places.

"I've been missing you. Look, if soft pecks leave little marks, you'd be full of them now." he whisper to my ear again. He hold my hands, that is now covered in little scars, in his, and rub them softly. I look up at his eyes–he's staring deeply on my hands, filled with guilt, but also with happiness. "I love you, [ Y/N ]. So fucking much, I'd be willing to die a second time for you again."

"I-if I'll ever get t-the chance... I'll die f-for you too." I say, then I clear my throat right after. He helps me standing up and we walk to the kitchen. He hums as he cook my favorite meal perfectly for the both of us and then we walk outside.

It is cold. Jason sit down and tell me to put the tray on the ground. As soon as I put it down, he grab me by my stomach and hug me. So, even though it's cold now, it's fine. Jason keeps an eye on my everything; my temperature, my breathing pace, my heart beat, my eyes, does my mouth quiver or not, am I shivering or not, everything.

We eat together as we look up to the stars and the beautiful moon as wind blows, while the animals are singing and while we hear Jeff's knifes being thrown at trees along with his hysterical laugh. It was beautiful–to be with him again, to feel his warmth again, to hear him breathe again.

After we both finish eating and drinking, Jason put everything on the tray and hug me tight.
"I was very quiet, wasn't I?" Jason ask. He put his chin on my right shoulder. His warm, slow, breath clash againts my neck.

"I was actually thinking... How should I say thank you? Without you, I wouldn't woke up and my soul wouldn't rest well knowing that I left my cute little doll alone. You were the chosen one, the one who only needs me in their life, the only thing I ever wanted. I just–I just can't say anything that would–"

Hearing him stumbling and crashing on his own words, you cut him off. "Just be by my side for my entire life. I only need you."

And that's when Jason started to cry.

After a long moment of me staring at him, I turn to him and hug him, "It feels so warm." I murmur. Jason giggles and hug me tighter. I feel very comfortable. I want to hear his voice, so I ask him, "Jason, what happened when you woke up?"

"When I woke up in that bed, everyone was happy. But I, on the other hand, is fully worried over the girl beside me–she's... pale, black circles below her eyes, she was in a bad condition. Everyone starts to explain how you tried to fix the box that took 3 full years. It was because the curse, the box is hard to be fixed."

"As I hug you, it felt like I was holding a dead cat in my arms. It was very cold. That's why you felt warmer when you woke up, because I hug you the entire time."

"And then... Jeff start this uh... conversation about this... man who apparentoy...........—" and then, all you heard was just his calm breaths.

You giggle to yourself. Apparentoy? Was he meaning to say 'apparently'? You smile and look up to the stars before taking him back inside his room.




My Green Little Doll. [Jason the Toy Maker X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now