31. Talking with A Fake Mouse.

978 33 9

"Jason, by the way, where are we now?" I ask. We're still hugging each other in this small place. I don't mind, I can smell him better now anyway.

"Oh, I don't know how to explain that. You'll understand later." He say and keep on huggin. We stay like that for some minutes until I feel like Jason is sleeping.

"Jason?" I shake him a bit. I'm not sweaty since Jason's body is cold. Well, I guess I'll go to sleep too. I snuggle myself to Jason's chest, and start to fall asleep. Since I literally just woke up, it's hard for me to fall asleep again.

After some minutes, Jason opened his eyes. Because I was scared, I pretend to be asleep. Jason stand up, and pick me up. I can only continue to pretend to be asleep. This place is smol, but the height is enough to let Jason stand up straight. He open a small, blue, square door. Hey, this is Jason's room?

He put me on the bed, and lay on the bed too. He hug me and started to fall asleep. I try to fall asleep, but I just can't, somehow.



Liquorice, who is sleeping on the crook of Jason's neck suddenly move to in front of me. Squeking, it looks like it's very happy, somehow.

" What are you so happy about, Liquorice? " I ask it. I know I won't understand the squeaks, but I still ask Liquorice questions, like this. It squeeeaaaaaakkkssss happily, as if there's no tomorrow. I don't know what it's happy about thooo

Suddenly, it stop squeaking. Liquorice then goes closer so my eye, and poke it's nose to my eyelid, forcing me to close it. I do as Liquorice commands.

When I close my eyes, it continues to squeak happily. I try to listen carefully, very, very carefully...

' happy, happy! '

(this is the voice of Liquorice's machine)

' Jason -av- -a-ted to hug [ Y/-- -or - long time '

' -- you -nd-rstand what i jus- said, [ Y/N ] ? '

It's amazing! I understand, even though not really, but I can tell what Liquorice said! I nod a little. Liquorice squeaks more.

' If you get u-ed to it, you'll understa-d my sque-ks with-ut closing your eyes -n no time! ' It squeaks.

I open my eyes. Liquorice rub it's body to my cheeks cutely. This thing right here, I want like one hundred of them, please.

Suddenly, Jason move a little bit. He hug me tighter. I get more drowned into his chest! I blush. Liquorice goes back to Jason's shoulder. I feel like Jason is awake.

Is he awake?

One of his hands goes behind my head, pull it closer to him. He inhale my scent with pleasure. He is awake.

"How can I be attracted to her..." he whisper to himself.

"I'm not even sure if she'll be the chosen one. I can't kill her since she'll be one of those damn proxies. How the hell did I fell in love?!" Jason say lowly. It's weird to hear him curse.

"What the fuck is happening to me... I'm not even sure she'll be alive for the next 3 days because of the sickness she's in, and I kiss her and tell her I love her. Now, what the fuck is happening to me?!" He continue to say bad words.

Maybe it's weird to hear someone whisper to their self for the first time, but when I hear Jason do it, it seems somehow predictable. He just seems like a guy who would talk to himself and curse alone.

"...[ Y/N ] ? You awake?"

...holy shit

Jason wipe the sweats off my forehead and stare at my eyes. I can feel it. Somebody please safe me right now—

"Jason." A familiar voice say. Jason move his attention to the person behind the door. Liquorice squeak a bit.

'It's M--ky, my fri-nd.'

Masky? Thank god

Jason growled a bit and walk towards the door. They talk a little bit about how I was supposed to be still in training now and how my trainers just waited but then realized that me and Jason are gone.

After they're done talking, Jason close the door and walk towards the bed again. He only sit on the edge, and started to play with my hair.

"Chosen one..." He mutter under his breath. His hand stopped playing with my hair, and now he's caressing my cheeks.

It got silent, as if he's deep in his thoughts now. He snapped out of it suddenly, and started shaking my body by my shoulder.

"[ Y/N ], wake up." I open my eyes. If I pretend to wake up slowly, it'll be obvious that I was pretending because I just fallen asleep like two times.

He stare at my face. "W-what? Something on my face?" I ask. He nod a little bit. "Ya. It's Liquorice. Not on your face though, on the top of your head." he say.

I honestly didn't realize that Liquorice was on top of my head the whole time.

"But why are you staring at my fa—" "[ Y/N ], we have no time. Slender is calling for you. Come." Say Jason, cutting my sentence. I was about to complaint but in the end, I wasn't able to and follow him to Slenderman's room.

I knock on the door.

'Come in.'

The door creaks as I open the door. Slenderman is sitting on his huge chair with his hands crossed on the huge desk. I enter the room with Jason tailing me. He close the door quietly.

'I wonder who made the desk and chair... Slenderman is very tall, right?' I think to myself—OMG

The fact that Slenderman knows what I'm thinking would make my thoughts crazy and some stuffs started to pop inside my head. Like, imagine if someone can read your mind. You will surely get nervous around them and ended up trying to think of good things, but then these random stuff popped on your head at the worst time—

'...Calm down, [ Y/N ]. Relax, child.'



Hey. the worst author in the world is back to make you turn your smiles upside down

By the way, I was reading some XReaders and they're very, very serious with their story and I'm just here making bad jokes lmao

sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

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