38. An Exquisite Day

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"It looks... exquisite. It's fabulous!" I say, as I enter the colorful bedroom. Jason had prepared a perfect room for me to stay in, just beside his bedroom. I hug him tight. He cutely let out a small laugh and pat my head. "I knew you'd like it. You can rest as I finish the new doll." Jason smile warmly. He gently close the door.

He prepared everything for me. By everything. I mean EVERYTHING. He even put some of my clothes from the mansion here, along with Rason. I lay in my stomach while hugging Rason on the bed. attempting to fall asleep.

I fell asleep sooner than usual because Jason's maniacal laughters.

They are quite effective to make me fall asleep:)

Ah, yes. I am sane:D

3 Hours Later

I feel something beside me. Is this... Hair?

Okay. I haven't opened my eyes yet and I can tell that I'm still inside the room Jason gave me, so I'll guess what this is... Is this Allen?

I literally examine every part of the face, but it didn't seem familiar. I'm not joking! It's not Allen! Who is this?

I slowly open my eyes to meet eye-to-eye with someone rather unexpected.

"What an attitude you have, [ Y/N ] Marshall."

Jason's POV

I walk inside [ Y/N ]'s room right after I finish our new member of the big big family. Allen!

I don't know when will he be awake and life as a beautiful wax doll, considering the torture I have put him in, but it doesn't matter. He will wake up sooner or later!

I walk to [ Y/N ]'s room. I wish she's doing okay.

I gently open the door.


"Sweetie?" Jason open the door. I sit up. He looks around the room before he looks at me again. His golden orbs obviously filled with satisfaction.

"Did you had a good sleep?" Jason ask in a gentle voice. What should I answer? Someone he does not know is in this room with us! Right beside him!

"Yes, Jason." I answer in an unusual way, which is me being not enthusiastic around him. I wish he get the code. Please, Jason.

Jason's orbs turns slightly green, noticing the way I answer him. His senses seem to now turn more aware than 0.0001 second ago.

"You two seem to have a very close relationship... I see, you must be aware of me now, Jason." the pillow beside Jason turns into the figure that only talked to me once when I'm still at the mansion.

"Jane, you see, I never liked anyone who doesn't know how to knock, or how to properly enter someone else's place," Jason say, his eyes turns green and his dolls inside the room turns slightly horror.

He turn around to see Jane the Killer.

"I always knew that pillow looks suspicious." Jason say.

( FYI, I read somewhere that the real Jane doesn't even burned or anything. She was actually a test subject that is made to hunt Jeff the Killer. She's a shape-shifter. For this story, I'll go with this backstory.)

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