Chapter 14 Plumed Serpent

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"No. We would've been able to tell. The gasoline we could've smelt." Paityn said crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Exactly. I'll know more after I run some tests, but here's the odd thing. A body has to burn for a few hours to reach this state of immolation. So whatever it was got really hot really fast. Like, getting hit with napalm." Vance said. 

"That's kind of brutal," Nick said.

"Let's talk to the owner," Hank said. 


"This is the third building I won that's been hit. Anything copper, they take it. I put fences around my buildings, I padlock them. It doesn't make a difference. They just cut into any type of lock I put on it." Lance said.

"Well, they didn't use a welder's torch. There's no clean-cut mark. It's like...the whole area around the latch is melted." Nick said.

"I don't know what they use but that's the same as all my other buildings," Lance said. Paityn watched Hank kneel by a spot of black goo on the ground. He carefully touched it.

"This feels like oil," Hank said.

"Anybody got a match?" Paityn asked kneeling beside him.

"Lighter," Lance said. Lance handed Paityn his lighter and she gave him a small smile. She tried to light it and it sent up a small flame up and Paityn backed up a bit. "Well holy shit." Paityn scoffed. 


"Am I reading this right? Lipids?" Sean asked as they walked into his office.

"Yes, basically human fat," Vance said.

"Human fat? Are you sure?" Sean asked.

"No mistake about that. Mixed with a lot of methane. If sprayed and ignited it'll flash and burn and become intensely hot." Vance said.

"Where does someone get that much human fat?" Sean asked.

"If it wasn't human, I'd say a butcher shop. However, since it's human..." Paityn started.

"Maybe a morgue?" Vance suggested. 

"We're running samples for DNA," Nick said.

"We think it's a homicide," Hank said. 

"Why?" Sean asked. He looked partly confused but also curious. 

"No evidence of ignition at the scene," Nick said.

"Whoever set them on fire had to take whatever they used with them," Paityn said. 

"The same substance was used to burn through the lock on the gate and the lock on the loading dock door," Hank said.

"We found other instances of similar break-ins, all at abandoned or shut down properties," Nick said.

"Someone stealing copper is nothing new. You check with the scrap yards?" Sean asked. 

"Yeah. According to them, they aren't seeing any copper." Hank said.

"So whoever's stealing it isn't selling it. Makes a lot of sense." Sean said shifting around and Paityn tried to think of something when knocking was heard making them turn to face Wu. 

"Sorry to interrupt. WItness just came in. Says he saw somebody running away from that building last night." Wu said. Hank and Nick went out and Paityn started to follow but Sean grabbed her arm as Vance left.

"I want you to be careful on this one." He said quietly. He gently kissed her head and she smiled. 

"I will. Promise." Paityn smiled. Sean nodded and let go of her allowing her to go out where the man was helping the sketch artist draw the man.

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