Hello Again

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Merida couldn't believe her eyes. She was just thinking about Pappy and Alandra and there they were.
The were like her therapists, Pappy made peppermint tea, her favorite. Alandra agreed with Merida that if she had felt that Berk was where she belonged than that is where she needs to be.
Pappy and Merida talked and Pappy told her cheesy jokes and made her feel better while Alandra went to speak about Berk to Queen Elinor. They were like the grandparents Merida never had.
After at least a half of a hour Alandra came back to the tea room. She had a slight grin on her face. Then Merida looked at Pappy and he had his classic friendly smile.
"I spoke with your mum and she said you can go back to Berk for one week to get Angus and be with your friends. Then you have to come back." Alandra said. Merida's heart filled with joy and excitement, she couldn't believe that she could go back.
The next day Merida left with Pappy and Alandra and the took her to the ship port and sent her off to Berk.
"Goodbye and thanks for everything." Merida said trying to keep from crying.
And then she was off once more, to Berk.

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