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As you now know Hiccup cares for a Night Fury. Well this Night Fury is named Toothless. And everyday Hiccup goes to the forest and learns about Toothless and other dragons as well the main thing he discovers is that they are not the bad guys, and that they are playful, caring, and funny.

Hiccup wakes up and gets ready for Viking training, the sooner it's over the better. As soon as the training is over he can go to the forest and see Toothless.

" Hiccup, I am quite impressed by your improvement in the last few weeks. Then I thought to myself what if you lead the young Vikings play day." Gobber his teacher stated. "Um... sure I can do that." Hiccup decided just so he could leave. It's time to go see Toothless.

Hiccup went back to his hut to get a bucket of fish and a prosthetic tail to test on Toothless. Toothless was shot down by Hiccup but when he found the dragon, Hiccup just couldn't bring himself to kill it.

"Toothless, I'm here. ...... and I brought fish." After hearing from Hiccup that there was food, Toothless came immediately. Toothless of course was happy to see Hiccup, but everybody knows he was more happy to see that bucket of fish. They played through out the day, but all good times must come to an end because if Hiccup is gone to long people especially his father and Astrid, a Viking girl that is already suspicious of Hiccup, will wonder where he has disappeared to.

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